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Alex's P.O.V

As I got home me and Laura snuck upstairs so Niall and the other boys won't see us.Once we got upstairs I opened my wardrobe and all my clothes fell on me."I think you will look nice with this."Laura held up a black a purple mini dress against my body,it was fabulous."Ohhhhhh and these black seletto's."As I took my clothes I got shoved into the bathroom.Once I finished putting the dress and applied the red lipstick and eyeliner my outfit was completed.

Laura was wearing a bright pink mini dress and gold high heels and a red lip.Me and Laura sneaked downstairs but Niall heard me.

"Alex whatcha doing?"Niall asked.

"I'm going to sleep round Samantha's bye."I replied.Laura and I ran out the house smiling like dicks.As we were walking to the pub lots of strangers Wolf whistled at us,our reply was to stick our fingers up and kept on running.As we got to the pub I used my fake ID and went in.I saw Billie,Dean,Tracy and Rayment.

Tracy was wearing white skinny jeans and a bright yellow crop top with black thigh length heels.Billie was wearing a blue tank top with light blue jeans and black converse with a blue hat.Rayment was wearing a button up shirt which was a creamy colour and dark blue jeans with boots on the other hand Dean was wearing a light green tank top with grey shorts and green sandals.

We ran up to all of them and gave them a big squeeze.As I was about to dance Billie grabbed my arse I turned around and slapped him.

"Babe,don't you remember the good old days? Me and you one bedroom as well as a king sized bed."I laughed at his comment then winked whilst running to the dance floor.

"So you and Bill back together?"Tracy spoke whilst grinding on the boy.

"We were never a thing and no just friends."I smiled and tweaking.

"Benefits,friends with benefits."Rayment shouted with a drink in his hands.He was drunk.Very drunk.

"Have you drank yet?"I shook my head."Come here bimbo."As I followed Dean he passed me vodka,like no lemonade just pure vodka."12123!"He yelled.As the burning liquid slivered down my throat I saw Laura she was telling me to come over.As I came over she pulled out a pack of cigarettes.

"Fuck yes!"I screamed.As I picked one up and lighted it I felt so good.As I inhaled it I realised it wasn't just an ordinary cigarette it was weed.

"Just a little surprise baby."I smiled whilst smoking the amazing object which use to help me out in life.

"There's more drinks girls."As we both looked at each other with dropped the cigarette jumped on it then ran in to get WASTED!


"What time is it."I screamed at my old best friend.

"It's 2am woo hoo,here have your 10th shot."Laura screamed back.

As I downed the drink I felt a little tipsy so I decided to go out side but Billie wouldn't let me all he said was "Dance bitch" or "Don't be a dick" as he grabbed my hand I hit him and ran outside.As I got outside I pulled out a cigarette what Dean let me have.As It was in my mouth my phone beeped,as looked at me phone Harrison was texting me.

To Alex🎤😜:Hey,I got a miss call from you earlier r u ok?

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