Part 3.Pizza

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Luke's P.O.V

'"I'm a girl,I should be paying.That's what Caspar said."We all groaned and sat down on the chairs.'

Once me and the boys were telling Alex that we should pay for ten minutes she refused point blank so we all gave up."Your so stubborn Lexie Boo."I exclaimed.As the pizza came you saw faces against the windows and door.Yep that's are fans for you.

"Cheers,now let's enjoy the food."She babbled.As Linda put the food down on the dark oak table Calum pushed one of the other chairs to join our tittle space.As we all opened the pizza's Alex's face was so happy like she hasn't seen food in ages...well she hasn't but you know what I mean.

We all took a bite out our pizza and mmmmhhh it was delicious.After one full slice of pizza from Alex she shut the box and bite her lip which was so sexy.Alex pushed the box away from her but kept looking at it.

"I'm filled up."All the boys looked at her in shock.Michael was talking with some pizza in his mouth but then Ashton slapped his shoulder because of manners,duhh.

"I bet I can finish this pizza before you."He bellowed whilst wiping his mouth with his hands.

"I beg to differ,I'm not hungry though."She huffed while getting her phone out of her pocket to see her reflection.I grabbed her phone and held it in front of her face."Heyyyy Hemmings."I glared at her she just laughed while giving me an evil glare back.

"If you beat Michael you will get it back."She patted her lap and nodded her head.

"Three,two,one gooooo."Ashton screamed with his arms in the air.Alex and Michael shoved the pizza down there mouth one by one and at the end Alex won with a smirk written on her face

She grabbed her phone and smiled at me."I won."She turned her head to Michael and smiled."Hey bitch gu..."

"Language."Ashton snapped but smiled after.Ashton really hates swearing for some reason.

"Hey dog."I laughed and so did Calum."Guess who won? Mwhaaaa."She walked over to Michael and poked her bum out to him."Kiss my arse Michael Clifford."Michael grabbed her bum and kissed it.Alex quickly turned around and smacked him round the face.

"You said it after all."He responded while rubbing the side of his head.

"But you just don't! Things might be different in Australia but in England you just fuc...friggen don't do it!"Alex screamed.

"Can I ask you a question?"Calum muttered.

"Yeah sure,whats up homie."She faked punched Calum in the chest she just laughed.

"Can you sing in French?"She sat on his lap and ruffled his hair.

"You see I tell the truth when I'm drunk so yes I can sing as I'm fluent in French you mong."She got up from the table and made a signal to leave but whilst she was doing this someone dragged her out of the door and you saw her slowly disappear.

"Fucking hell."I jumped out of my seat and ran around table and pushed the door wide open."Luke help me!"Alex screamed while getting pushed by fan girls.As I swam through the people I found Alex and grabbed on to her I pulled her into my chest and she was breathing really heavily."Luke don't leave me."She sobbed,I think she was having a panic attack.Shit.

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