Don't you dare!

17 3 0

There are really depressing things are going to happen in this chapter so if your triggered please don't read,thank you.This will be long.

Alex's P.O.V

Once all the boys left I sat down on the extremely comfortable couch and so did Niall.I placed my legs on the black wooden foot stool and sighed whilst putting my phone in my pocket."Alexis can I talk to you?"I nodded my head slowly whilst giggling.

"You already have."I giggled more but Niall face was dead serious so I shut up."Yeah,sure carry on."I smiled slightly.

"So I actually have two."He grumbled.I rolled my eyes then looked at him."If you go out with Luke you know your mum and Ricky won't be happy."I just glared with him shocked what his has just said.

"Why? And anyway do I fucking care."I snarled at him whilst throwing my hands everywhere.

"Look I'm not saying I'm any better because all of them are my good mates but like your mum hates it when you listen to them and Ricky hates it.As well because Ricky is snobby and wears a button up shirt everyday then there is Luke who is normally wearing skinny jeans and a tank top."I nodded at his comment while thinking how Ricky has stop beating me and all the nasty comments."As well your mum hates it when you wear your skinny jeans and tank tops."

"What's the second question?"I asked bluntly.

"You need to go back on your anti-depressants pills."Niall stated.I looked at him then stood up."Where are you going Alexis."He complained with a whinny voice.

"To get my pills and my contacts and my fucking life."I screamed whilst storming out of the house with my purse and keys."Be back in ten!"I shouted again.As I walked down the well lighted street I tripped over and fell on my knees and it really hurt.I broke.I just started to cry and watch everyone walk past me in utter discussed and looking at the little girl curled up against the wall.

"Do you want help?"A boy asked with his hand out.I nodded my head and took his and stood up.He was a bit shorter then me and had bright green hair with hazel eyes.

"Thank you."I shrieked with my hair going everywhere.Guess my hairband broke.

"It's fine,I'm actually really annoyed that them people didn't help you up.I don't want to even call them people to be honest."I laughed at his comment then pulled him into a hug."I'm Dennis."I smiled at him.

"I'm Alexis please call me Alex though."I replied back whilst wiping my tears off."I'm seventeen,you?"

"Ewwww your a pedo,you just wanted a young boy in your pants."He spat while laughing then ran away I copied him but in the other direction to the farmcy to get my contacts.As I got to the shop I bumped into a little girl about six or seven and smiled at her.

"I'm so sorry."I jabbered whilst helping her up.

"It okay don't worry about it."The man snorted behind her whilst patting her bright pink coat to clean it.

"You're a tiger like my mummy."The girl gasped.I got really confused and the man just looked at his daughter then me and his eyes went bigger.

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