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Alex's P.O.V

"What lesson do you have next?"Emily huffed whilst applying more of her nude lipstick on to her big lips.

As I thought I remembered I had."Fucking mathematics with Mrs.Pipper,kill me now."Emily laughed and so did everyone else at our table.

"We can go through this together Alex,facing the two faced bitch monster who hates us cause we always talk,so let's talk more and have a mini catch up,"I laughed whilst having some of my 'water' it was really vodka I need something to help me out through the day.

"I have Mr.Gordon for English so guess who is doing no work,suck my dick bitches."Sammy said whilst pointing to her crutch.

"Hate to break it to you hunny I only like pussy not cock."Joe said as he ran his fingers through Samantha's hair.

"What you're going out.I knew it I shipped you two for fuck long."I screamed but Emily shook her head and disagreed whilst on the over hand Joe just looked plain sad.

"So you two my house after school?"Em said no with food all in her mouth so at the end it was on the plate again were it was on the first place,as Sam was going to make a point Joe grabbed her tan skin and pecked her lips.

"No she's going on a date with me Alex."Sammy blushed and giggled.Everyone cheered in the hall cause ligit everyone wanted them to go out,as they flirt here and there but never a real thing.

"Can it be another day,I'm so very sorry but I have more important things to handle."I nodded my head and winked at her.

"Anything for another pregnant girl in my life."As soon as I said that a grabbed my mouth and Emily,Samantha,Joe and Alfie just looked at me.

"Does Caspar know."Alfie noted and was shocked whilst eating his chocolate bar.

"I'm not pregnant but if I tell you don't say a fucking word or I'll cut your tongues off."They all sat back and nodded there head.

"Guess who is going to be an auntie."They all cheered even if it wasn't my baby they were proud of me.


"We need to go class now."Emily groaned.As I gave everyone a hug bye I bumped into Caspar.I froze.I wanted to kiss him.I've missed him like crazy.

"Look I'm really sorry Alex I wasn't meant...."Before he could finish his sentence Eva cut him and kissed him.Emily dragged me away into the hall so we could go to maths woohoo.

"He ain't worth your time."She said,I nodded and sucked up my tears.As we got to maths we walked into the classroom and as I did everyone was asking me questions about yesterday.How did they know?

"So in the news it said you hooked up with all of the band."A girl said."Slut right here peeps."

"I heard you and you and Luke Hemmings had sex and your pregnant.Whats the name for the baby?"Another girl hinted.

"We all know that Luke would never go out with her,like have you seen her?"A boy laughed then gave his 'friends' a hi-fives.

"Ha you lost the Xfactor cause you can't sing,fake bitch."A group of 'ginger pricks' said (that's what Emily calls them.)

"If you can sing then fucking sing now."A boy bellowed.

"I saw a picture of you and Luke hugging on Twitter so I screenshot it."As I grabbed this girls phone and looked at the picture what was 100% real I had to make an excuse up.

"As I grabbed this girls phone and looked at the picture what was 100% real I had to make an excuse up

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