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Alex's P.O.V

It's Saturday,I'm currently washing the blue hair dye out of my hair.

"Alexis,your sister and Niall want to talk to you!"My mum shouted.As I ran downstairs with a towel rapped around my head I saw Abby in tears and Niall.

"What the fuck is happening."I asked.

"Language Alexis,this is very serious.Don't take after your sister after this."Ricky said.

"Now Abigail tell you sister."Abby looked at me and smiled.

"I'm pregnant."I jumped and hugged her and Niall.

"Congrats,finally you got some dick."Me Abby and Niall laughed."So what the fuck is wrong with that."I turned around to face my mum and this so called man.

"She's 24 and pregnant that's wrong and disgusting."Ricky spat which made Abby cry.

"What the actual fuck is wrong with you,before you ruined my life I got pregnant at 15 and I kept it until I had a miscarriage."I was crying at this point."You have no right to tell her it's disgusting.If anything was disgusting it's your attitude."I spat back at him.

"Alexis stop it."My mum said sternly.

"No mum because before he came in your life you would be so happy that Abby is growing a little creature in her.And before you say anything I'm going to show you my amazing hair."As I took the towel off my head to revel my vibrant blue hair Ricky gasped.

"You're father would be ashamed of the both of you!"He shouted.

"About you sit down mate and stop talking shit to these two beautiful girls and be happy that your stepdaughter is having a baby."Niall yelled.

"Ricky don't talk about there father."My mum replied calmly.

"Your talking about dad like his an object.He just slagged the man off that you loved and had one amazing child and one messed up one."I screamed."Dad would be so proud of you Abby,and Niall,my dad loves you congrats.And Ricky you will never be a fucking dad to me never."I screamed whilst storming to my bedroom.

"Your grounded Alexis June Ross!"My mum screamed.As I slammed the door I flopped onto my bed and looked at my phone,it was currently eleven at night so I decided to text Caspar.

To Caspy🍑🌽🙈:Hello bby can I come to your house ;))

To Ally🍑👈🏽👀:I'm busy.

Why is he busy? I'm going to his house.As I got into my 5sos T-shirt and shorts with a matching hat,okay I might like them a lot.I opened my black widow then jumped down then ran fast away from my 'home' then of course I had to bump into someone.

"Sorry about that."I said.

"Let me help you up."He had a thick Australian accent,as he helped me up I smiled but it was too dark to see it.

"Thank you."I was about to go off but then an other Australian accent spoke.His hands were soft as well.

"What are you doing out here at night?"He asked.

"I sneaked out to see my boyfriend."I said in a duhh tone.

"What grades do you get in school."Why is there so many Australian people in England tonight.

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