Phone number?

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Ashton's P.O.V

After I finished drawing the very crap butterfly on Alex's arm she smiled at me."If this is how you're life will be I'll fix it."I smiled at her she just looked at me and smiled back while admiring the picture.As I grabbed her hand and indicated to the door she nodded her head.As we both stood up I grabbed the cold gold handle to open it but Alex pulled me back.

"Thanks Ashton."I gave her I wink then jested her to get of my bedroom so we could see the other boys.As we walked in all eyes were in us."Guys I know my face is beautiful but stop looking at it."There were little snickers then as I walked around I saw a whole in the wall.Luke just gave me a weak smile and then Alex's face dropped when she saw the whole in the wall and ran over to Luke and looked at his bleeding knuckles."What the fuck Hemmings!"She basically screamed in his face.

"Don't need to get to Xfactor now."Luke stumbled on his words while trying his best to impress Alex.

"Do you think I hurt yourself.Let me help you."As she dragged him up and pulled him to the bathroom I looked at Michael and Calum as they laughed.

"What's funny?"Calum pulled me on the sofa while now crying of laughter.

"Luke has a little crush on Alex."I looked at Calum with blank expression on my face.

"No friggen hell Sherlock."Michael stopped me then breathed in and out.

"No Alex kissed Luke and apparently Luke said and I quote,'her lips tasted like pizza,which was even better but they were so smooth.'"I came out giggling and fell to the floor.As I saw the bathroom door open I jumped back on the sofa and made it look normal.

"We are going to the car to the Xfactor."Luke nagged with Alex over his shoulder.

"Luke let me down."She replied in a flirty tone.Just imagine Niall or the fans.Fu...I don't give a shit no more but the hate she will get.FUCKING HELL HEMMINGS!

As we all got in the car with me driving and Mikey next to me and the other three in the back I put some drake on.


Hey guys I know this was very very very short but I decided I'm going to end this story,I'm so sorry.I did have great plans for this but it never turned out good.The next three days will be leading up to the end.It will be a skip like four/five years later.I really hope you enjoyed this book as much as I did.


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