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Samantha's P.O.V

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As I ran to my biggish house I banged on the door because me being me I left my keys at home."Let me in,for fuck sake."I mumbled whilst still knocking on the door.I heard footsteps coming to the door and a weight lifted off my chest.

"What's the magic word Sammy."My brother scoffed.

"Frankie I will cut your fucking dick off if you don't let me in!"I screamed.

"What's the magic word Samantha."He insisted for me to say.

"Please can you let me in."I replied through gritted teeth.

As he opened the pink door I ran past him really quick through the kitchen then upstairs to my bedroom.My bedroom had grey/blue walls with white curtains.My bed was up high and at the end of it there were stools and next to my bed there were white Chester draws with a lamp and some different shades of purple lipstick on it.

As I ran to my dresser I threw all my clothes on the cold wooden floor until I saw this white dress and a gold belt,I knew that was the one so I put it down on my bed then I ran to my shoe draw

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As I ran to my dresser I threw all my clothes on the cold wooden floor until I saw this white dress and a gold belt,I knew that was the one so I put it down on my bed then I ran to my shoe draw.Yes,I have a shoe draw and it will stay there as it holds my baby's and how many baby's do I have? I have currently 74.I quickly looked at the back of the draw seeing nothing,as I was about to give up on this date cause let's face it if you're shoes don't match why wear them I tripped over a pair of sparkling gold high-heels I felt so happy."Sammy can I ask you questions."Frankie begged.

"Ask away Frank...If I can have a shower first."I argued whilst opening the door to let him in.

"Yeah sure.Well this really cool YouTuber goes to your school and like can you maybe let me meet him one day?"I turned around and looked at him.

"What's his name?"He chuckled whilst pushing his hand threw his short brown hair.

"His channel is called ThacterJoe but his name is Joe or Joseph and his really cool."I smiled at his comment and gave him a big hug.

"Well I'm going on a date with him so move so I can have a shower and get ready."His face had pure shook on it but I really didn't care so I pushed past and went into the light green bathroom.

As I took my clothes off I hoped into the shower I flicked the switch so the water would come out.As the freezing water came out I jumped backwards and hit my arm on the wall."Fucking hell!"I screamed.

"Language Samantha."My dad yelled,great his home and now I have to tell him I'm going on a date then my mum oh my mum is just going to tell the whole family...fun.

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