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Gotta take a break from shit sometimes to see who really real.
-Joey Fatts

• Is it really over? •

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• Is it really over? •


A Week Later
Long Beach, CA

"Deja!" I heard my mom yell as I tried to sleep. I opened one eye then closed it right back trying to ignore her until her voice got closer. "Deja! I'm not gon' call you again! That damn boy is at the door again."

I groaned saying, "Tell him I'm not here. Tell him I'm at work or somethin'," I said turning over.

Next thing you know my Mom was yanking the covers back as the cold air hit me seeing as I only slept in my bra and panties. "No, get your ass up and get rid of him yourself. I'm not lying for you anymore." I could hear her mumble things in Spanish under her breath as I sat upright rubbing my eyes.

I smacked my lips getting up then trudging over to my dresser grabbing a crop top and shorts to put on quickly. I really didn't care so I took my sweet time even going to go brush my teeth and wash my face. Ever since that night I've been ignoring Joey.

Once I finished I walked down the hall as I took my bun out then re-did it neater. Sure enough Joey was at the door banging on it. I rolled my eyes then swung it open, but left the screen door closed. "What the fuck is wrong with you?! Did you forget I live with my Mama?" I asked looking at him sideways.

"Where the hell have you been? I've been calling you and coming by, but it's always no answer or you're not here. What the fuck is going on?"

"I've been busy," I said yawning nonchalantly.

"Are we just gonna talk through the door. Come outside because I know you're Mama don't like me." I sighed opening the screen door then walking outside. We sat in the lawn chairs on the porch.

"What do you want to talk about?"

"Where the fuck have you been? My best friend died and you disappear for days. I needed you."

"Sorry, but I had to handle some things." I said sitting there not looking at him. "How was Lotty's funeral?"

"Fine, it was hard though. Seeing him laid up in that casket. He was only 22 years old. That shit is crazy." I looked over at him to see him shaking his head.

I sighed reaching over and rubbing his back. Even though I was mad because he put me in the situation I was in a couple of nights ago I still felt bad. As long as he never found out what I did, we were good. "I know it was hard, but Lotty wouldn't want you to be sad. You know that. Let's go get something to eat."

Cutthroat: A Ramona Park LegendWhere stories live. Discover now