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Nothing better than getting money with the people you struggled with.
-Joey Fatts

• Stunt on my Ex's •

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• Stunt on my Ex's •


Laguna Beach, CA.

I'm in the kitchen of my condo cooking as Matika is in the living room watching tv. It's only a matter of time before I move out of this place because me and Joey closed on that house. Jodie and Marina are in the play pin playing as I make some tacos. Star's here too, but she's in the back room taking a nap. I always wondered how that girl slept so much. "You know you could help me," I say out loud looking over at Matika.

"See, I would, but I'm watching the babies," she says while flicking through channels. She laughs then says, "I came over here for a damn break. Miss Edna has been getting on my nerves. Love her, but sometimes she can be a bit much with her living with us and all. The constant pressure to have another baby gets annoying."

"I can imagine. People are so quick to tell you to have another baby, but they're not the ones who have to push them out. They can watch them then give them right back."

"Exactly," Matika says agreeing with me.

"How is my little baby, Maurice? I haven't see him in awhile."

"Good. For once his mother is cooperating on Marcel's visitations. We'll see how long that lasts."

"I know that baby mama drama is irritating. I couldn't deal. I would end up slapping a bitch. Bitter ex's get on my nerves."

"And what's worse she's not even an ex. You would've swore Marcel left her ass for me the way she acts. It was a one time thing."

"Damn that's true. That's crazy that they hooked up one time and she ended up pregnant. That whole situation is insane to me. I remember when Char used to date the homie, Jabari. Had a baby with him and everything. I never really talked to her much. She was quiet and to herself. She only talked to Jabari and Marcel. I guess there was a reason for that."

"You know I've been curious, but I didn't know you like that so I wouldn't ask...What happened to Jodie's father?"

I pause. Nobody around us has really asked if they didn't know already. It was like this unspoken thing almost. That made me realize that one day I'll eventually have to tell Jodie about him when she's older. Do I tell her the truth that her father was a crazy, psychopath or paint him in a nice light? I don't even think about Shameik to be honest. Keeping it simple I finally say, "Dead."

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