Chapter 1- Besties

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I flutter my eyes as I tried to get full focus on the scenery. I groan as the alarm wouldn't stop ringing. "Ugggggh!" I yell out of laziness. I roll 'trying' to get up. I fall head first. I hear the door open. "Honey! Get up you're going to be late for school!" "But I don't wanna go to school." I muffled. "At least turn your alarm off!" she said as she walked to the clock and turned it off. "Now get up and get ready." she said storming off. I hear the door shut. I mumble something under my breath. As I ready I grab my phone and text Frisk.


You coming?


K, cool.


Seems like I'm walking. As I finished getting ready I got my F/C sweater and left. As I got there I saw Frisk sitting at the door step. "Frisk!" I yell. She gets up and runs to me. "Thought you weren't coming." she said. "I wouldn't leave my best friend." I say. As we walk we see a group of boys. Jocks. A few were looking at us. The 'leader' of the group came running to us. His name is Jason. He is a tall, well built, blue eyes, and brown hair. I stayed quiet. "Hey Jason." says Frisk. "Hey, umm I wanted to ask if you have any plans after school." he says nervously. Frisk stayed silent for a bit. "Umm, sorry Jason I do have plans. Probably tomorrow. Sorry." she says gently. "Oh, ok. That's alright. See you tomorrow then?" Frisk stopped to think. Then she continued walking. "Yeah tomorrow." he smiles and walks off. Soon as he was out of view I looked at Frisk. I hit her gently on the head. "You dumbass." I whisper. "What did I do wrong?" she says rubbing her head. "If Tritiniy finds out she'll beat your ass!" She smiles. "Highly doubt it. Yes she can fight and I can't, but I can dodge." She says moving her finger.

I nod side ways a bit. "True." I sigh. I see the school. As we walk I bumped into some people. They grunted at me. Not my fault. They're in the way. I told Frisk bye and looked for my locker. As I neared my locker I saw a group of girls. Tritiniy's group(A group of four. You imagine how they look like). I roll my eyes as they passed. I open my locker and dump my shit. I shut it and start to hear yelling coming from the field. Another fight. I looked around to see who it was. I peek my head over the crowd. I can barely make out the person. Oh, Shit.

Frisk and Tritiniy's group.

"Frisk!" I yell. "And that locket! Is it made of actual gold! It's a shame it had to go to waste on you." ringed Tritiniy's annoying voice. They were making fun of her. I push through the crowd. Frisk mumbled something as she looked down. Seems like she didn't hear her. "Wait a minute? That locket looks like that one in that story I read?" I'm surprised you know how to read at all.

"What was that monsters name again? Asriel?" snickered Tritiniy. Frisk looks up. "That sucks doesn't it.....seems like you never got to say good bye did you before he turned to dust...besi-" I couldn't take it anymore. "That's enough, Tritiniy!" I yell. She looks back at me. "Oh it's you." she snaps her fingers two girls pinned me down. I struggle to get up but still on the ground. She looks back at Frisk. "Besides he wouldn't care. Nobody would care. He's dead." she hissed. Frisk clenched her hand. Oh shit....they pushed her to the limit.

Tritiny and another girl pushed her. "Oh come on shou-" before she could finish Frisk launched herself at her and punched her uncontrollably. The other girl choked her by the neck holding her back. Tritiniy got up and got her by the collar of her shirt. Tritiniy launched a punch to her right eye and stomach. I see Frisk smirk. Her eyes turned a bright red. She grabs Tritiniy by the neck. Tritiniy backed up as the other girl appoarched her she elbowed her stomach then head butt the girl knocking unconscious. One of the girls grabbing me stopped to help Tritiniy. But before things got worse a Teacher came to stop them.

I see Frisk collapse. She's screaming. She stops and looks up confused. "What happened?" she groaned. What did happen?

Hey! Yes I'm alive! So I decided to do a X reader. Because why not! I'm so happy to because it is my first so don't judge it's late at night and I need to go to sleep. So I rushed it. Sorry if it's short. Well I don't really have anything else to type so yeah. I'll try to publish daily. See y'all later.


word count: 822

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