Chapter 5- Nekojin

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"A Nekojin?"

"Yes a Nekojin."

"Care to explain what it is."

He sighs. "I'll do it in a art show." He takes out a mini brush. He opens a small bottle of paint from his strap. He dips it into the blue paint.

He twirls it a bit. "OK so a Nekojin. Is some what a half cat half person kind of deal." What the fuck? He drew a DNA strand. "Nekojins were created to protect this book. Whether you have the genes of one or not tye book chooses."

"But how am I suppose to protect a book I don't know what a Nekojin is."

"Do you see the heart on the book." I nod. "Look at your hand." I slowly look down. "What's similar about them two?" I look back at him. "They're identical." I answer.

"Yeah, so this book is protected by one Nekojin so far by DNA but by another one that is chosen by the book. So there is suppose to be two Nekojins protecting the book. So for now I won't go to much into detail until you find the other Nekojin. But for now.." he gives me the book."I'll explain the details of your job."

"So for now this book is chosen by you which means protect it with your life." I give a really bitch face."From who am I supposed to protect you from?"

"Remember the Sanses you were alone with?" I nod. "Keep it away from Nightmare, Error, Cross, and Killer."

"But why do you think need this book?" I say. "They want this book for various reasons but all I can say is that if they get their hands on that book this universe all universes will die." Oh Jesus why. I sigh. "Ok if it's what I need to do then fine."

Ink nods and gets his mini brush and picks up the floating paint. He opens the blue bottle and squeeze the brush tip. The paint falls in. "Better save it then waste it."

He puts away the mini paint brush and pulled the big one out. Splatter paint on my wall. "My wall!" he looks back at me. "Eh looks prettier." A portal appears and Ink jumped in. "Ink wait!" How do I find the other one!" "You have to wait and find out sweet peach, it's closer then you think!" He said as his voice faded away. The portal closed. Shiiiiiiiiit.

Welp how about I read some pages.


I couldn't stop thinking about that girl. That mark on her hand seemed so familiar. But from where? "NIghTmArE!" I shake my head. "What." I say annoyed. Error pointed at a blue hole. Ink is back. "Ok everyone! Who are we missing!" He yelled. "A lot of people!" Yells Cross. Ink rolls his eyes. Never mind. Ok how about all Frisk go over there and the others over there!"

Everyone separated except me, Cross, and Error. Everyone looked at us. "What. You think I'm going to move because he told me told me to. Ha don't make me laugh." I say smiling. Ink rolls his eyes. "Ok everyone pick a partner! We're playing games!" Cheerfully yelled Bluebery walking upnto Ink. I narrow my eyes. This is so stupid.

I nudged Error. "I'm leaving."
"AWw WhY ComE ON YoU LOvE tHIs PaRT. ESepCiaLLy wheN we prank thEm." I shake my head. "I'm not in mood I have lots of things in my mind." I fall from my position and walk off. "Brother! Where are you going!" Shouts the annoying voice of my brother.

"Home." I growl. "But brother you need to stay for a while at lea-" "Shut the fuck up for once!" I yell. Dreams stops talking. "You're so fucking annoying!" I yell before leaving.

~Tem Skip~

I pace around thinking and waiting for what I asked for. I hear a knock at my door. "SIR WE BROUGHT THE BOOK YOU REQUESTED!" Shouted a shadow Papyrus. "Took you fucking long enough!" I shout back. He handed me the book. 'Important Signs' I stole from Ink years ago. As creative as Ink is he wasn't really creative with names. I sit on my throne. I flip through pages. I here a creak. I look up. The shadow Papyrus is still there. "Leave right now." I say threateningly. The door slammed shut. "That's what I thought." I say as I look back down.

I finally found the page I was looking for. I read it. "The mark of the chosen. This mark isn't chosen by being but by the book. But not just any normal book like this one but a powerful book. The book of AUs." I stopped reading. I remember now. I shut the book. "That brat has the book I've been looking for. The book of AUs."

I'm so fucking mad to mad to put a A/N so fucking leave me to my misery. (T~T).

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