Chapter 55- Nothing Special

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The four generals were a little unsure about this. Today was their 'big day' their 'debut'. Nightmare had brought them along with them along to pick up the twins. At least two of them, Luna and Mars. He had gone walking, with a German Shepherd(Luna) and a Siberian Husky(Mars). The disguises they decided to take.

Mars waddled happily, one of his tongues hanging out to the side. Luna  walked, not amused at him. Her tail lowered and ears perked. Mars looked at Luna with a smile. She growled lightly. Nightmare only continued to walk.

"Master...if I may ask, why are we heading over to the school?" barked Mars. Nightmare cleared throat.

Luna growled at him. Mars only lowered his head and ears. Whimpering slightly. Forgetting he wasn't supposed to speak. 

Nightmare looked down. "So you can get familiar with the route." With that answer Mars continued to smell, excitedly. Forgetting the mishap. Nightmare groaned. They've should've stuck to birds. Nightmare felt regret. He is not a dog person, pondering as to why he fucked up with this class. He shrugged and signed. "We're getting close."

Mars wagged his tail. Luna lifted her tail only 'trying' to be excited. She only feels misplaced is all. Yeah that's definitely it. 

They walked a little further, until they reached a white and blue building. With a concrete block, with 'Ebott Elementary' engraved on it. A public school for young monsters and humans, one of the first to open. Nightmare and Y/N choosing one that seemed suitable. Nightmare pulled out his phone, he checked the time. "2:15." He said and clicked his teeth. He looked around to see other monsters and human parents. He stood under a tree holding the dogs, they looked around at everyone and stood near Nightmare's legs. "They should get out so-"


Children started to scream. Running out of the building, finally being able to go home. The 1st-6th graders ran out of the building finding their parents.  While Nightmare waited patiently, the dogs looking at the kids running by, of course keeping their composure. Where are they? 

Mars then stood up, keeping an intimidating stance. "Dad!" It was Jupiter. She ran over her backpack bouncing on her. "Oh my gosh!" Jupiter looked at the dogs. "They're so cute!" She started to pet Luna, embracing her ears. Luna stiffened her stance feeling tense and nervous. Mars only looked on trying to get a glance of Phoenix. 

"Dad!" Finally Phoenix arrived behind a bunch of other kids. He came over and saw the dog. "Woah." He let Mars smell him as he slowly pet his head. Mars panting and wagging his tail. 

"You two seem way too surprised.

"It's because you guys never wanted any pets." Luna cringed slightly. Jupiter nodded agreeing with her brother. 

"They're not pets." They looked confused. "I'll explain it on the way home." With that they turned around and walked home. Nightmare of course explaining the situation as simple as possible. Seemed a little confused at first but caught on quickly. They quickly arrived home.

"Does that mean they're ours?" asked Jupiter, entering the castle gates.

Nightmare looked at them. The two Nightshades keeping form. He smiled, knowing that they would dislike it. "Absolutely." Nightmare looked over to them. "You guys can go play if you like." The two perked up.

"Can we!" stated Jupiter. Nightmare nodded. They both looked over and ran off. The dogs quickly following behind. Nightmare sighed. I'll have to check on them later tonight. He gripped his skull. I'm going to get a fucking headache at the end of the day. Nightmare turned to the right and followed a set of stairs, other entrance to the castle. A few Nightshades were guarding the castle gates and yard. Nightmare quickly took this to note.

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