Chapter 44- A Look at the Past

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Everyone is else was talking about the....plan. Nightmare was being very specific, at least with them. He asked me to stay put at the other side of the room. I was doing my best to not notice to focus with something else. I touched the rim of the candle.

It was so long ago.

I moved the chair and sat down looking at the desk. I looked back at them, then I looked back at the book in front of me. I open it up and flip around the back of the book. The pages are blank...

I grab a pencil that was on the side. I pick it up and hold it on the paper. Write something. I sighed.

'I was around 17 when I met you.' I took the pencil off. I looked back at him. 'You looked terrifying. I was scared of you, you toyed around with me. You hurt my friends my family. I was going to crush you hurt you to protect those I loved. A few months later, it happened. You were caught in a golden locket. My golden locket. Captured and trapped. I was told to keep you in there, that way you would never get out. I would never let you out. I made a mistake. I was never supposed to take that locket off. I had forgotten about that. So I took it off. When I did there was no more protection. I was gone and you were free. When I realized what had happened I panicked. Of course I did. You were back into the world that was your farm. It took almost two years to ever see you again. I knew you were there. I felt your presences constantly, but I never told any of them, I didn't want to get in trouble. So I consoled in trying to capture you myself of course when ever I saw you again. But I never did see you again, until that summer day, two years later I was already in college, learning about the whole business life to take my mother's company as soon as I graduated. It was a win win at the end. I never really sought out for love. Not because I was frightened but because it didn't interest me at the time. I was out on a run. Taking a break and getting fit. I went around campus back to my dorm. Thank God I didn't have a roommate. They would've freaked out. That isn't my point. I saw you at least your skeleton shadow near the kitchen counter, at first I thought I was going crazy. But I wasn't. It was you but as a shadow. I didn't know what to do. I thought I would've been panicking, frightened in fact, I wasn't. I was more tired than anything. I asked you to show yourself. And you did it without a question. We looked at each other for a moment. I looked at you to see if was really you. Guess I wasn't hallucinating. It really was you. I remember grabbing my locket ready to open it. But you told me.

'I just want to talk, please?'

'And I listened. To everything, it's as if I was some type of therapist. Of course we kept our distance. I had my locket ready for anything, but nothing ever happened you talked, thanked me, and disappeared. I was just standing there clueless after that, being full of regret from not doing my job for letting you go free. You could have hurt somebody. But for some reason I didn't mind talking to you, maybe cause I was alone. But that didn't matter you were my enemy and I couldn't trust you. At least that's what I told myself. Soon after that encounter I knew what sensation I got from you. So whenever you were near I knew. You weren't able to hide it very well. Also cause when you were around some people got very, upset. But that wasn't for me. I don't know if it's because of my soul, powers, or just cause I was so used to you I didn't have a reaction anymore? I didn't really know why. Eventually after a year of having you around you started to show yourself as if everything was normal like you lived with me or something. It was a little heart warming. Maybe because I was off in college and we'll I didn't have a roommate or anything ya know, I was lonely. Eventually I stopped, I wasn't so worried. But even though your brother didn't know neither did everyone else. So I guess you were my little secret? Sounds gross when I write it out. But that isn't my point, we hung out more if that's what you wanted to call it I don't know but we talked you helped me with test cause we all know, I hate business, but for the sake of my mom's job I took it. I just don't like the stress. I thanked you for that. This happened for the rest of college, then about 6 more years we still saw each other, so 10 years we talked and hung out, weird seeing that from former enemies. But we talked and talked and talked. By then I was working at my mom's company. You helped me out with it all, that was very surprising. I had no idea that, that friendship was ever going to do me any good. I remember there was this shooting star watching thing going on, on Mt Ebott and you wanted to drag me with you. I completely refused. I'm not about being with crowds so much beside if I wanted to get a view all I had to do I go on the roof of the company building. So you told me,

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