Chapter 46- Master

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I listened carefully at the information we were being told. They were spotted with help, when encountered by Cross and Ink they vanished as fast they appeared.

"As long as those stupid light chargers are on they'll all get attracted to it, with Mars with you he'll be able to dispose of them faster. To buy us some time while we go investigate the room." Nightmare removed his hand off the mic. His gaze slowly met mine. He smiled softly. He doesn't want me to worry.

I don't really understand why but when he smiles like that it is reassuring, but no matter what the fear is still chewing me away. "It's okay. I'll be fine." Nightmare faced me and pet my head. "I'm no animal." His smile grew wider.

"I know." He stopped and started heading the direction behind me. "I don't want to leave you behind." He grabs my wrist and gently pulls me to him. "You're quite slow." I laugh.

"Well i'm sorry. We can make this faster." I say starting to walk at his pace. "Rose if you would." she appeared out of her locket. She stretched and yawned. "Can you help us?" Rose stayed quiet and looked at Nightmare.

"How's the little kitty? Annoying as before?" Nightmare scoffed sightly.

"More than ever." she hissed to him. Her fur starting to slightly bristle.

"Want to show us the way? I'll give you one of those orchid seeds you adore so much." He said lazily reaching up to stretch.

"I don't take orders from you! You stupid tar puddle." She aggressively jumped onto my head. Looking at him the whole way up, until she reached my head and lashed her tail to him and looked away.

"Pardon me? I'm dressed up in the most formal way I can possibly be! I'm a normal skeleton, my bones are white if you haven't noticed."

"Yeah right! But your rotting heart is still the sam-!"

"Okay okay, Rose we get it. Nightmare's changed I promise. I really need a favor from you please. Search." She looked down at me. She rather do that then argue with some who doesn't back down. She sighed and stood on me. She needed something to smell. If it was back where we were, where we had entered we need something worth our scent, but hopefully her memory can support her this time. "Back where we entered, a safer route please."

She stood silent.


"There, should be done." When looking closely I couldn't see the light. "Look up pea brain." Pea brain? You're one to talk.

With that she scrambled back to her side of the locket. After I looked up to see a glimmering trail looking back at me.

"I don't see anything." Nightmare said looking up.

"Then just follow me." I leap up and crouch on the ceiling. Nightmare looked at me confused.

"But there's nothing..." he cut himself off and turned into a dark mushy puddle of his as I crawled on the ceiling he followed. It was leading directly to the room, that's good. When we reached the room the looked scratched up with big huge claw marks on the door's frame. My ears twitched as I heard a female's voice.

"Shit. We lost least my heart's not broken. You guys okay?" I kept still as I heard the voice who are they? Nightmare fell of the ceiling and bounced right back up to his regular form. Dusting himself off and walking straight into the door.

It was quiet for a second. Then I also fell and followed. Peering in I saw 3 wolf like creatures. They were all on the ground sitting down. Noticing us they stared at us.

"Master...Nightmare?" Nightmare didn't flinched at the name. Master. He stood quiet and still. The female quickly got up and bowed her head. "Master I'm so rel-"


Nightmare slapped her. "I didn't train you to be so weak!" Nightmare approached her and stood over her. "How co-"

"Hey hey hey! Nightmare kept your cool! It's not her fault she tried! That's why we're here right? Don't lay another finger on her." I quickly stood in front of them having my hand on the swords handle. "I'm telling you this right now don't touch her again." Nightmare's eyes glowed against the darkness. I can feel his anger but he needed to calm down.

"Thank you for your consideration but I'm fine, Master Nightmare is correct, I'll do whatever it takes to redeem myself." Am I going crazy? She's okay with it?

"What did I tell you-" he looked back at the other two. "Leo, Dusk what are you still doing slouched on the ground hmm?" They quickly scrambled up and saluted to him. "Your loyalty lies with me am I correct?" Nightmare stated, getting out of Luna's way.

"Yes sir!" They said in unison.

Nightmare sighed. "Y/N meet Leo, Dusk and Luna they are the three out of the four generals that take orders to my army, you three things is Y/N my wife." They stood quiet. They all bowed their heads in unison.

"It's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance Mistress!" they said together.

"Pleasures all mine." I say a tad confused.

"Y/N give me a moment with them will you?" I nodded not wanting to question it. They were his subjects. I walked a past the door a leaned against the wall. Ugh I'm so tired. I think yawning before looking over to a window. How can he live like this? In a lonely castle. I guess he has lived in his own for a while before we met. I sighed. I shouldn't be thinking about that. I groan. I just want to get this over with and bring them back home. "Y/N you can come back in now." I quickly turn to my left and walked in. "They were with them. They were safe with them for a while. Nightclaw has them, he's waiting for me already." He stretched.

"We're finally going to be able to go home." he nodded. I smile. Finally. I look over to them "Thank you all so much for keeping them safe for as long as you could, I really do appreciate it."

"Thank you so much mistress I'll make sure Mars gets the message as well." Said Luna taking a bow. Nightmare looked over to me then to them.

"Alright then. I'm only going to say this once and only once. First thing's first, anyone part of my bloodline will be protected, including my wife. Understood?"

"Yes sir!"

"Second, if by any chance you see any other....skeletons then leave them be they are on our side, I'll be informing them about your intentions."

"Yes sir!"

"And lastly..." he turned around heading for the exit where I followed. Before setting a foot out the door he slightly turned his head as his bedding purple eye looked over to them. "Don't spill any information about me, specifically the beginning understood?" There was a small pause.

"Yes sir!" Nightmare turned his back.

"Then by all means have fun. But don't get to out of hand. You're dismissed." With that they vanished teleported away. I wonder where? We didn't give them any specific information. Itrailed my thoughts else, I didn't need to worry.  Nightmare looked over to me. "Well guess our plan completely sogged up. Then how about we break away from it and head to the throne room? I'm certain he's hiding his cowardly face behind those doors." I nodded in agreement. Nightmare leaned a little forward until he had continued to walk ahead. We're heading to the throne room and I'm nervous. It just going to be us right?

"Nightmare?" I say catching up to his pace. "Are you sure you don't want to wait for more help?" Nightmare cocked his head to the side.

He laughed. "This was all Ink's plan I was only providing information." Nightmares eyes became cold and with no emotion. "I'd rather not listen to a blob of ink, a broken computer, and a monster who can't control his feelings. I want to finish this, I want to bury that traitor under my throne and show him who is the real king."

Yes I'm done with this chapter yay. It's short I know I wanted to get something out I'll make the other one long I promise. Ok ok but that's all for now folks love y'all.

~The OreoCookie

Word count: 1422

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