Chapter 30-Who are you?

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Some alone time to myself is what I need. After what happened two days ago and yesterday I just want it to be me and me alone. Rose and uh Chrome are hanging out which means they're not here. 

Lately I've been a little stressed about everything with my relationships and all this. Today is the last day of my peace before we go off to our operation. I need my soul back. Without  it I'm loosing it. I laid on my bed and took a breather. Got my earbuds and relaxed. I had nothing to do I need to recollect myself. Earlier today Jason asked what I was doing. I responded with a simple 'nothing'. I told him to go with the people he loves also known as his girlfriend. I had threaten him to treat her right or I'll hunt him down. He just smiled softly and said to trust him. I'll leave it at that. For I love just myself.

My own mind loves to wonder off. My own thoughts just consume me. Like earth. After we die where do we go? And if there is a place what would happen to that place when it's gone? A black space of nothing existing? Then again what is existing? What comes after death? What will happen when time stops? Will time ever stop? How big is the galaxy? Does it end? What is existing? I'm hungry.

Too much contemplating. I'm done. I slowly close my eyes. But I don't want to eat right now. I  should ask mom if she wants to go out later or go third wheeling. Like aaaaaat. I look at my phone. It's 6:23. So 7:30. Yeeeeah seems right. I yawn slowly. Damn I'm tired. I hummed to myself. I wonder what they're doing? Then Immediately...




My eyes slowly opened. Why now.


"What's wrong with you!"


I rolled to my side. What the hell does that even mean. Who is that? Its a voice I didn't recognized.  Who are you?




I groaned. God damn it. Really?! I kept humming to my music as a small shrieking sound rung in my ear. And as I tried to open my eyes there was white growing around my eyes, it was so blurry. 




Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. "You stop." I mumbled. I slowly get up and exhale. My vision was clear again. What the hell? I groaned. I'm just trying to relax. 

Why is it when ever I try to relax things happen. God what do you want. The beginning of all this just is confuses me. I didn't want to become this. A half cat furry bitch. Powers, cats, universes, weird entities. What did I do? Did my curiosity finally destroy me? My mind? My heart? What's going to happen after this? Would I lose this? Would it get worse or would it all go away?

But. But. Why? 

But is this how it's going to end? With a death or a chance to continue? But how? I...I'm scared. How is this going to go out? The fear of the future is worse then fear it's self. 




My eyes widen. Oh. OH.

It's Frisk, and she's in trouble, and what is he doing to her!

I scramble out of my bed making me fall. I tug my ear phones off. How did I not recognize it? Shit Shit Shit SHIT!!! Panic flew like there was no tomorrow. I immediately got up and ran to the door. I open it and dashed out to the stairs. "Mom I'll be right back!" I open the door and slammed it closed. 

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