Chapter 60- Frail Flower

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A few days have passed since that incident. Which meant Jupiter never ever left Luna's side. Jupiter mainly was with Phoenix, which meant Mars was with her most of the time too. Even though there were the four Nightshades care taking of the four siblings, did not mean they were ever left alone. Someone or something was always watching them, just to make sure, not taking any chances. 

But with that out of the way, and summer just around the corner, Nightmare has planned all his classes in one night. So that every little free time he has will be dedicated to working for a cure. Even if it seemed impossible Nightmare isn't giving up until Y/N's taken her last breath. Right now he was working again, isolated and alone. He was comparing the samples of his goo with what Y/N was contaminated with. 

He placed a small portion of his goo on the microscope. He pushed himself off to the side, he turned to the side and looked on a shelf. He led his hand along the shelving, following the small bottles that were labeled neatly. He reached 'L', squinting his eyes he located a blue bottle. With 'Light' labeled on it. He continued until he reached, 'Light Purity'. He grabbed it as well. He continued off back to the goo. Thank God Dream let me grab some of his light.

As Nightmare continued to unscrew the tap he heard a heavy knock at the door. He only ignored it not wanting to be bothered. He grabbed a pipet taking minimal light as possible. Putting the cap back on he placed it on a test tube rack. Before hearing the knock again. He ignored it once again and proceeded to place the light on a glass slide and under another microscope. He adjusted the magnitude taking a peek into the scope. Becoming mesmerized by it. Comparing his goo with the light purity would be beneficial to finding out what could be the solution to this. This seems pro-

Knock! Knock!

Nightmare clenched his teeth. That's the third time. He clenched his skull out of frustration. "What is it!" he snapped. The door slowly opened as a Nightshade's muzzle came into view. "You better have a good excuse to interrupt me." he hissed. The Nightshade came completely into view, he bowed.

"Pardon for the intrusion, but it's the Mistress."

Y/N wheezed uncontrollably. Groaning and hissing in pain as she clenched her stomach, warm tears streaming down her face. The Eclipse trying their best to help her relax. "Mistress please calm down! Relaxing will help you please." 

Y/N continued to groan, the tears becoming overwhelming. "Bull shit." This even worse than when I got my period. The Eclipse looked at each other. Then the door burst open. Their creator bursting through the double doors. 

"Move!" he said racing through the tile floor. The Eclipses moved terrified and out of sight. Two Nightfangs slithering behind him. He knelt down. He locked eyes with her. "You're going to be fine." he gently moved her arms trying to expose the wound. Y/N only wheezed and coughed, wanting to shelter herself from the pain. The two Nightfangs that came in the room were on each side of the bed. They loomed their heads watching, waiting for some sort of order. 

Y/N started to thrash around the pain becoming unbearable. She wanted to be away and heal in a ball. She started to kick as Nightmare tried to hold her still. "S-Stop!" She jerked her arms side to side trying to break free. "I-It hurts." her warms tears flowing down her cheeks.

Nightmare looked back still holding on. "I need you to tranquilize her!" The Nighfangs looked at each other, not knowing who should do the deed. "Now!" They gave a perplex face as they both bit down on her thigh and calf. She was quickly relaxing. Her breathing became slow, her muscles relax, and her eyes dull.

It's as if she's been paralyzed.

Nightmare got up and looked down. Her face was pale, her expression was sad, her wound seemed to be the only thing to give color. It was black, yes, but it looked the same as when it first arrived. "Leave." The Nightfangs lowered themselves as the other Nightcrawlers in the room exchanged worried glances. They turned and left him alone with his fragile flower. Nightmare looked down, I don't have a cure. I need to come up with something. Something that'll keep her here a litt-

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