Chapter 34- Remember me?

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Midnight's room was well lit. A bed with a body and machinery around it. Nightmare and I were the one's to go in the room first. I stood at the edge and looked down at my beautiful girl. Tears flowing down my face. She was still her bodies with bandages her arms with needles and such, wearing an oxygen mask, having bandages on her right side of her head. The monitor showed signs of her life. Nightmare paced around frustrated. He would constantly look at her. He noticed something. "What have you found." I say quietly.

He stopped at the front of the bed. "Haven't you noticed that the longer she's here, the more her condition worsens. The doctors orders are harming her as if..." he trailed off as he walked up to her. He knelt down and examined a bandage on her left arm. He slowly placed his hand on her arm trying to lift up the bandage.

"Nightmare what are you doing?! Stop that!" I say starting to make my way towards him. He managed to get a glance on her wound as he dropped it. His face was full of terror.

"What's wrong how bad is it!" he looked up at me. Then back down at her. He started to unplug everything off her.

"Nightmare stop!" Without hesitation he picked up the mask and threw it. He looked around her making sure that nothing was in her. Her breathing became rough and hard.


"The wounds aren't normal. Deep bites, Nightfang bites. They are designed with a venom that destroys remedies. So anything to help it heal would worsen it. They have the antidote. That antidote was a hint of my healing magic and the wounds just heal like light. So let me do what I need to do and save my daughter."

He didn't even look up at me as he healed her. I let him be for I trusted him. I didn't know what was going on but if it was something like that I shouldn't interfere. As Nightmare healed her he was thinking. Terrible thoughts ran into my mind. Nightmare what's wrong.

Then heavy footsteps were coming through the door. I looked back as Nightmare continued. I had a shriek of panic. How am I going to explain this to the doctors.

I looked at the door with fear. The doors flung open. Dream, Cross, and Lux. I sighed in relief.

They gave me a worried face. Dream opened his mouth with worry. "How bad is it-"

"What are you doing!" Said Cross. Nightmare ignored him as the magic stopped.

"Hey!" Cross was expecting an answer. Nightmare got up and glared at her. He looked back up at us.

"Is there something wrong." He said casually.

"Yes! You're unplugging everything and exposing her injuries! She needs to heal!" He said stepping forward.

"You've always been a hot head. Haven't you Cross?" He said approaching him. His arms behind his back his eyes cold. His voice ringing.

"You don't know anything so I'm telling you right now." He walked up to him right next to his 'ear'.

"Put yourself back in place before I have to do it for you." He said with a smile. The smile seemed warmed. Yet hostile, he meant harm.

He continued on and walked over to Dream. He whispered something to him. Dream hesitated then nodded. He walked past Cross with a smile.

"Go get the doctor I can handle it from here." Without question I did as I was told. He wants to get her out as soon as possible. I walked through the lobby and headed for the front desk. The two ladies were sitting down doing their work.

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