Chapter 36- A Child's Fear

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"Come on you two." I say following Phoenix and Jupiter around the house.

"But mom it's Halloween!" I sigh. They want to to got out but I'm going to be helping Nightmare out tonight and Comet is staying home and not socializing just playing games and Midnight is going out.

"I already told you both I won't be able to take you out I promised your dad I would help him out this year." Phoenix and Jupiter gave me a disappointed face. They opened their mouths to protest before they spoke I cut them off. "Go ask your sister she's going to be home all night she might be able to." Their faces lit up.

Jupiter ran off first as Phoenix followed. "Hurry Phoenix!"

"Ok! Ok!"

It was silent...."What are you guys doing! Hey!"

"Jupiter! Phoenix! I didn't say to hurt your sister!" I walked to Comet's room they were hugging her trying to convince her.

"What do you want!"

"Can you please take is out to go trick or treating! Please!" Wailed Jupiter.

"Oh my Lord! That's it? First get off me please." I watched from the door as everything unfolds. As a mom I know I'm responsible for my children but things like this is where they learn from each other especially since Comet is a teenager. I hummed to myself as I listened. "If that's you wanted to ask me then you should've just asked me instead of tackling me okay? Know what do you say?"

They both looked down. "Sorry." They say in unison.

She nodded. "Good well... I really really don't want to cause I got a whole lot of farming to do the event in my game ends today and I really want to get the skins this year's so sorry. Why don't you ask Uncle Dream or Uncle Cross to take you out?" She stated looking down at them.

"Because I didn't say anything." I say barging in.

"Ah uh mom!" She said jumping slightly.

"You two really want to go out this year huh?" I say leaning against the door frame. They nodded frantically. I sighed. "I swear you kids.... Let me phone your uncles. If they say yes I'll make an acception." Their faces lit up. They started to cheer. "Come on then don't bother your sister." I say signaling them to follow me. They ran out the room cheering. I looked over at Comet. "And you...." She looked over at me. "Start farming the event's almost over." I smile and walk away.

Normally I never really went out for Halloween since I found it to be whack. I'm mean I wouldn't mind going out but I prefer to be home. Anywho today I'm just going be giving candy to the really young and old. The teens....good luck.

I took out my phone as I called the two skeletons. "Hello!" It was Lux.

"Oh hi Lux! Um I wanted to know if by any chance your parents are home?"

"Oh yes of course they are. Um do you need something?"

I started to smile. "Yes actually I wanted to know if you are able to take Phoenix and Jupiter out tonight. They are really looking forward to it. And I'm home tonight helping Nightmare with uh...ya know how he gets on Halloween. He's not even here he's outside doing his things. Anyways, um would you be able to?"

There was silence for a moment. "Yes! Yes of course I love to! I'll go pick then up myself don't worry Aunt Y/N you have nothing to fear as long as there with me!" She said cheerfully.

I sighed in relief. "Thank Lux call me when you've arrived."

"Yes yes of course!"

"Again thank you again Lux bye."

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