Chapter 52- A day Alone in the Castle

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A few months have passed, Nightmare had spent some time trying to figure out some sort of antidote, even though he hasn't he had figured out a few things about the substance and wound. Like for example, the substance is very sensitive to light, or that the substance isn't actually what had covered Nightmare, that's still in progress.

But besides that small factor, the palace itself became the home of this strange family. Placed on Mt. Ebott, it was home. 

The children was always running around. Nightmare had returned to school, teaching till his hearts content. Midnight's softball season at school had started. Comet's Track and Field season had started too. Everyone was busy now. At times Y/N would be home alone with the few guards and the maids. Y/N groaned it was that pain again. She coughed lightly. A small amount of goo splattered on her pillow. This is so boring, I should be working. Sooner or later I'm to get into trouble with them. She puffed her cheeks. She sat up and looked around. This room was ten times bigger. The bed felt like it could eat you. Everything placed nice and properly. A few books were nicely placed on the nightstand. Nightmare must've been reading all night. Y/N sighed. She looked at the rope that hung by her bed. She got up. She started to shiver. She looked back and wrapped a warm blanket around her body. She did only have a tank top and shorts on. She slid into her slippers and walked to the door. She grabbed the door knob and opened the huge doors. She peeked her head out. Two guards on each side of the door. She opened the door wider now and stepped out. 

The guards flinched slightly and looked at her. "M-Mistress! What are you doing out of bed?" The guard to the right moved in. "The Master won't be pleased to find out-"

"It's fine. I'm only going to get a sip of water." She took another step.

"I'm sorry Mistress but, the Master really won't be happy to figure out that you had left the room."

"If you would like something to drink I'll get an Eclipse to get you something right aw-"

Y/N ignored the statement and walked away. "W-Wait Mistress!" Called out one of them. They both ran over. "Please we beg if you! If our Commander finds out and let's the Master know, we're goners!" They said rushing in front of her. 

Y/N sighed. She pulled out her phone. She held the button on the bottom. "Siri call," she lowered her voice. "Grape....Dad." Y/N pulled it even closer. "Dy." It quite for a moment.

"Calling Grape Daddy!" Y/N looked down in defeat. Oh God why did Jason do that. 

The guards looked at each other in surprise. This is so embarrassing.

Meanwhile, "Though the causes of the war were unknown a big theory that many histori-

"Getting call from, 'Flower Mommy'!" Nightmare's hand jerked to the side. The squeaking of the marker jerked on the whiteboard. The students chuckling and laughing among each other. Nightmare stared at the phone. You little bitch. Nightmare bent down and grabbed it as it rang. 

Some students hollering him to answer it. He ended the call. After it rang the students laughed. "Ha ha very funny." He said forcing a smile, only causing them to laugh more. He sighed, and put the lid on the marker. Slowly set it down, and placed his hands on the desk. "Be quiet." The laughing slowly died down. "Unless you want detention." It went quiet. He turned around and looked at the whiteboard again. "Where was l?" He opened the marker. "Oh yeah, the war was a unkn-

"Calling 'Flower Mommy'"! The students started laughing.

"He isn't answering!"

"Perhaps, he's busy? Maybe it's better if we head back to the ro-"

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