Chapter 32- Grown up stuff

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"Remember finish chapter 26 then write me a summary of what it was about!

Everyone headed out as I yelled after them. I sat at my desk, with the quiz that were passed in today. Then a figure approached my desk. She's an average height, purple midnight skin, brown pants with black boots, wore a red Letterman jacket with white sleeves, she also wore a deep red beanie, she had a long wavy bang hang down right eye, her left eye was white, her left hand had bandages, and her right hand a black glove that showed her fingers.

"Hi dad." I looked up at her. 

"Is it alright if I can go out with my friends after school?"

I looked back down and continued to type on my computer. "With?"

"The girls." she said with a smile. I pulled my hands away from the computer, I put my left leg on top of my leg slightly crossing it, and my hands together.

 "The girls? Is PJ now considered a girl?" Midnight blushed madly. She looked down for a second. 

"E-even if I was what difference does it make." she muttered out. 

"He's a guy and a guy I don't like and I don't want you to hangout with." I paused.

 "It doesn't help that he's standing at the door with the rest of your girls." I pointed over but didn't look. Midnight looked over. She panicked. 

"Dad please! Just this once!"

I shook my head. "I don't want you hanging out with that kid, I don't want to continue discussing this here we'll talk about it at home." I say turning to my computer.

"What's so bad about him that you're so against!" she yelled pounding at my desk.

"Midnight..." I groaned. 

"Just because PJ is some how related to Ink and Error you find it bad! Why do you never look pass that! They're your friends! What went so wrong that you are being such a dick about!"


"No dad you never let me out for your own stupid grudges! Why can you never trust your own daughter! What are so afraid of!"

I get up quickly and slam my hand down. Knocking my chair down and moving my desk. "That is enough!"

She shut her mouth and looked down. "I'll talk with you when you go home."

She turned around roughly and walked towards the door. "Everyone else at the door leave before I give you detention."

They moved as Midnight passed and they follow. Teenagers. 


I open the door to our nice cozy home. Everyone is yelling, everyone is hyper. I breath in. I swing the door closed. "I'm home!" I yell as I drop my stuff.

"Daaaaaad! Help!" Jupiter yelled running up to me. She's small, she wore a big pink sweater with a star, its big enough that it covers her thighs, she is also wearing white socks, her hair is brown, short and curly, she had a bang as well, covering the right side, her eye was brown, she wore a moon clip too, she was more human then her older sisters. 

She jumped up to me as I pick her up. "What's wrong?" She hugged me.

"The dragon." she whispered squishing my face against hers.

"Rawr!" Came the voice. A little body appeared from the hallway. He had a blanket wrapped around himself. He waved his arms frantically.

"Im the big bad dr-" he cut himself off as he tripped on the blanket. I quickly settle Jupiter down and make a quick dash. I catch him helped catch his balance.

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