Chapter 50- The Untold Story

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"Mom..." Y/N looked down. "Don't do this to me please." She looked up. "I don't want to hurt you." The soul locked eyes with her. "Mom." Y/n summoned her two swords. "I'm sorry." Y/n pulled down her mask. The coat around her dissolved away. Her tail flickered calmly and her ears twitched slightly. She charged her swords gleaming against the light of the soul.

"Don't worry." Chrome spoke softly from behind. "I'll make sure you're mine by the end of the day." Y/n lashed back. Only find her gone and her mom also charged. Y/n clenched her teeth.

The soul threw her arms up to only summon attached swords to her forearm. Y/n quickly turned around using her swords to block the strike. With whatever force she had she pushed her off. Y/n briefly cursed. She'll have to face someone she had thought was dead. Y/n charged once more hoping this would be the last time.

Meanwhile Nightmare had other plans. Find the source.

This was Nightmare's plan. He cautiously looked around. The problem being that she wasn't going to show herself. Nightmare looked over to the small skirmish. The heart, the soul had a mixture of green and orange. Nightmare wouldn't be able to get a hold on it. It's only when Y/n or anybody with a rare soul make her show. Nightmare sighed. He could only help his beloved by ending this. Nightmare took a step forward, when suddenly the arena again was shining a light S/T/C. Nightmare gently squinted his eyes from the light.

"My daughter created such a beautiful child." Nightmare flinched. That voice. Nightmare looked around. This, it's that day. This feeling, it's sadness, the familiar feeling of the moment. Y/n's sadness. "I'm hoping she makes more cuties like you. I'll be running around to catch up with all of you." Nightmare looked over to his kids. They were watching this unfold. Midnight was very intrigued. Nightmare again looked at the solemn woman. Her small up tight nature caring over a baby. How she cradled her and kissed. She sat on the coach quietly speaking.

The temperature dropped.

*Crash* It was heard from the kitchen. Ms. L/n looked over. "Hello?" This noise caused her to hold the baby closer, clearly not wanting to let her go. The woman groaned. "It better not be those stupid raccoons." She grumbled. She gently placed the small baby in the rocker. She got up and grabbed a broom. "Get out of here you stupid trash pandas!" She was soon out of sight as she quickly walked over to the kitchen. 

While she went over to look for the little creatures she had no idea what was happening in the other room. The baby laid still sleeping in the rocker. The small noise of nature ringing in the air. The small purple figure curled itself. 

While another figure slowly built-up, growing it's masculine body. Slowly hovering over the child. Wanting to rip it apart.

The child in the rocker sneezed. Making the creature flinched slightly.
"I'm coming!" Called the woman. The creature quickly looked down. It had to hurry if it wanted to get what it wants. It gurgled as it opened it's mouth. It closed in on the child. As a bright orange dagger flew into it's face. A green shield surrounded the child. "Who the hell are you!" The creature reformed. It didn't speak. "A quiet one huh." The woman slowly walked over as she took out her phone.

*Beep beep beep*

"Hello I would like to report a burglary." She listened as she continued forward as the creature growled. "*Insert address*. Possibly an ambulance just to be safe. Please get here as fast as you can." She paused. "Alright tha-"

The creature grabbed the woman's wrist. Causing her to drop the phone. The phone beeped with buzzing noises, the operators voice calling for an answer. "N-No!" She pulled against them.

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