Chapter 35- The Meeting

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"So what do you want?" Ink questioned Nightmare with a neutral tone. 

"Something I'm assuming, you're all keeping a secret from me or am I wrong?" he said pacing around the table. He stared straight ahead. Dream, Ink, Cross, Error and I followed his movements. Then he stood behind me. He grabbed my chair and leaned over me. "Besides your little charade years ago, what am I missing, hmm? What aren't you telling me?" He gave Ink a glare cold, hostile. He moved up slightly pushing the chair. He continued to pace around, closing in on Error and Cross. "Hmm? You two, you two seem to be good at that stuff. So what's up?" Cross gave a blunt face, Error did too. 

"I- dDoon't KnoWw whAat youU wAnt... They-" he tilted his head towards us. "SeEm to Know A lOoOOt. So Stop QuESsTionINg us, SmARTaSs." He tapped his mouth with his fingers. 

"There's a reason you were my favorite Error." He said and continued. Error muttered something under his breath. Nightmare eventually reached his seat. He leaning back on his seat and rose his feet on to the table. "Dream?" said Nightmare. Dream was quite. Dream had tucked his hands between his legs. "Ink?" he too stayed quite. "Y/N?" I slightly opened my mouth. 

Are they really not going to tell him? "A-" 

"A while back when we were training Y/N we faced Nightcrawlers! But they never appeared after that encounter and we never told because it was never really your business before but now after all these years I-I I'm sorry we never told you sooner!" Dream completely cut me off. Nightmare's face seemed to be thinking. He set his feet down. He slammed his hands on the table. He stood tall aggressive.

 "And you waited til now to tell me! How long has been Dream?

Dream suttered "I-uh-tw-ab-"

"How long!

"About thirty years." Dream had his eyes closed. He was scared. 

"Thirty years! Thirty fucking years! Because of you my daughter could've died!" I get up.

"Woah, woah, woah! Dream has no fault in this!" I stare him down. "He didn't create those creature! He didn't ruthlessly take what wasn't his. He did nothing!" He felt my anger. But I needed to calm down so we can continued with this meeting.

 "If he hadn't told me sooner none of this would've happen!"

"If you didn't take what didn't belong to you we could've told you!" Nightmare shut his mouth. "You want to fix it then fix it instead of pointing fingers." I say once more before taking my seat. There was silence.

"So what are all these Nightcrawlers you're all worried about?" asked Cross. Are you serious?! 

"Creatures that feed off soul magic." he stated before continuing on he bought out a pack of pocky sticks. He opened it up and took one out. He was recollecting himself after what happened. He breathed calming, he started to point at each of us with the stick.  "Most of you have souls, and you." he paused at me. "Yours is very special." and he bit into the stick.

"If that's all you have to say can we go?" asked Cross for didn't care about this situation.. He took out another stick and threw it at Cross.

"We gotta figure this out." I stated. He groaned. Nightmare bit into the pocky stick. 

"Shut your mouth Cross, I'm trying to do the right thing, not only that but you." he threw another stick at him. "Your little friend might be of use." Again he threw another one. Cross looked at the three sticks that were thrown. Nightmare nodded. "I know how you hate taking orders from me now." He looked over at Dream. "For the sake of your daughter," then to Ink and Error "and him. I advise you to listen to me. Before one of them dies." 

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