Chapter 62- Moving on Isn't an Option

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Hi Mom,

It's been two years. We're all doing good, better at least. I graduated and proceeded to stay home, I declined the scholarship to Ebott University ,I had to stay home with my family. Graduation was a surprise, I invited Frisk and Jason with the little ones, obviously Ink, Error, Dream, and Cross went. Dad was the only absence. It's been like that ever since you left. So I've been taking the role of guardian seriously. Helping Comet start school in the community college around here. The twins have grown a little and started training with us. They're learning how to use soul magic by the caretakers. Of course we're there to supervise while they learn by us. They don't seem to be having trouble though, good thing they started to learn at a young age.'

"Midnight! Midnight!" Called a voice nearby. Jupiter walked over holding a yellow rose crown. She carefully placed it on top of her head. "I made this for you." She said softly.

"Thank you." She said with a smile. Jupiter smiled and walked away with more flower crowns around her arms. Midnight looked over at her then to the shadow nearby.

Luna came over and bowed. "Good morning young mistress." Midnight waves her hand.

"Good morning Luna. How are you?" Midnight said adjusting herself at the tree roots of the apple tree.

"I'm doing quite well this morning thank you." She said with a smile. Midnight returned the smile. "The flower is blooming again." She said looking down at the crystal rose that was planted by Midnight's feet.

"I probably shouldn't sit here." She started preparing to move.

"I don't think it's necessary, I think your mother wouldn't mind." Midnight looked at the rose. I guess she wouldn't. Midnight sat back down. "I'll get out of your way, I seemed to be interrupting something."

"Don't sweat it." She said reassuringly as Luna walked off towards Jupiter. Midnight sighed as she lifted her pen up again.

'Other then their training they started 3rd grade. Jupiter is picking art from Ink she seems to really enjoy it. While Phoenix is looking into astronomy. Surprisingly for a young kid. Comet on the other hand has started to take track at MECC (Mt. Ebott Community College). Its a great college and all but, she also declined a scholarship to stay home. We got into an argument about. I don't know if it was a better decision or a stupid one. She seems to be doing good, she said she'd love to go pro. We'll just see what happens.'

Midnight set her pencil down. Looking up she saw Jupiter reaching up to place a flower crown on Leo, who was bowing down for her to reach, Jupiter tip toed as she placed a white rose crown on his head. Leo only blushed, making himself look more vulnerable. Comet laughed seeing him with it on. On the other hand Mars was tossing his blue rose crown around and catching it. Phoenix would grab it and toss it around with him. "Hello!" Exclaimed an enthusiastic voice from a nearby corridor. Everyone looked over to see.

"Ink!" Jupiter ran over almost tripping before Luna caught her.

She jumped up at him and hugged him. She quickly observed her arm, grabbing a crown for him. She quickly picked up a rainbow colored one she plopped it on his head as Ink adjusted it. "Its lovely! But by chance do you have more? I kinda brought a few more guests." From behind him came the rest of the family. Dream, Error, Cross, Pj, and Lux. Jupiters eyes lit up.

"Yes!" She wailed with excitement. She hurried off to Luna. "Luna we gotta make 5 more!" The skeletons looked at Jupiter then to Midnight. Midnight got up and greeted them.

"Thanks so much for coming." She said as she gave Ink a hug.

"Of course why wouldn't we? It's a beautiful day to spend time with family." He said with a swift wink.

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