Chapter 37- You two

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Nightmare was in the living room while I was in the kitchen. The kids were hanging out with Dream and Cross. Every once and a while they all like to be together. Just to hang out. It gives Nightmare and I some time alone. But we're normally apart doing our own stuff. There was only silence. I was trying to figure out what to do for dinner. When Nightmare spoke. "Error found something the other day." I stayed quiet. "He said some type of nest."

"Well what are we going to do about it hmm?" I say.

"Well I was hoping to look for it, he said it was somewhere in the main draining facility south east from here."

"Like the sewers?"

"That's odd." I say heading towards him.

"Not really. I mean they're doing well at staying hidden. But of all times why do they decided to show up now? Out of the blue."

I appeared behind him. "I don't know why don't you get your head out of the books and go see." he stayed quiet. "I'll go with you." he was still quiet. "I want to go okay? It's for the safety of my children our children. Sooner or later Nightmare we-"

"No! They don't need to know anything. About me about you, no."

"Nightmare we've been keeping everything about ourselves a secret to them! They need to know. You haven't even told them of the power they hold. Why haven't you?" I say standing in front of him. "Are you afraid of them. Or are you afraid for them."

I bend down being close to his level. "I don't know, they should just have normal lives like all the other monsters, I don't want them to be getting caught in something that's my responsibility." I stood up and laughed a little bit.

"Nightmare are you okay? You do know that we all have tough lives."

"You don't get it. I'm trying to help you as well. I want to know for your sake if they killed your mother." Immediately my smile became a frown. My eyes watery.

"How did you come up with that conclusion." I say sternly. "That's something you shouldn't be joking about."

"I'm not joking that, that scene looked like a robbery but to me it seemed more gruesome. I at least want to find out what happened with her as a thank for saving Midnight's life." My mouth opened wanting to speak but I couldn't,

"Ni-Nig-" I was quivering. But I felt warm. Nightmare was hugging me.

"Don't cry. Your emotions are getting everywhere, your barely able to stand." He was right my legs were giving up on me. "Here." He picked me up and carried me bridal style. He placed me on the bed. "Here i'll let you sleep, I'll be going out later tonight to see okay. Don't worry about me." As he turned around to leave be I grabbed his hand. He looked down on my patiently.

"Thanks but I'm willing to go. Cause if they did do it then I'll be the one sending them back to hell," Nightmare smiled wickedly.

"Not if I do it first." I don't know why but that'll made me laugh. He never gives me that look anymore like he used to. I get from my bed and head back to the kitchen. Nightmare was cooking away.

"You do know it's my turn to cook today right?" Nightmare kept looking down while cutting up the carrot and vegetables.

"Yeah but now I don't have to do the laundry tomorrow since I took your job tonight."

I sigh. "That doesn't make any sense."

"Yes it does. At least to me" You got fucked up mind that's for sure. My stomach rumbled. "In a couple minutes." he heard my food baby calling. Thank the lord of hungry. I'm going to eat my emotions away.

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