Chapter 7- I'm sorry

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Please read A/N

"Let her go Nightmare!"

He grins wickedly. He throws me in the air and grabs me by the foot. "Aww but Inky why can't I have a little fun?" he said chuckling. "Put her down this instant your brother is on his way. You know how he'll get. Put her down now." said Ink mad. "Hehe you want her so bad?" He threw me up again but this time black goo followed. It surrounded me into a ball.

"Come get her."

"Ink!" I yelled. "So be it Nightmare." Said Ink charging at Nightmare. Ink pulls out his paint brush. The tip turned white. He jumped into the air and splatted his paint everywhere. Big white splashes of paint were around the black arena.

The white paint turned to white tree branches. He jumped from one to another. Trying to reach me. But then I see Nightmare extend his tentacles they were breaking branches. Also trying to get Ink. The last branch was away from me by a huge gap. One tentacle reached the branch before Ink. The tentacle broke the branch. While the other three went after Ink. Ink jumped but being held back by one of the tentacles. The tentacle wrapped around his foot and stretched forward onto his leg. Ink looked at his foot.

The other tentacles wrapped around his body as well. Then being pulled down back to Nightmare. "I excepted more from the protector of AUs." he smiled wickedly. The tentacle wrapped around his mouth. "Now to get you out of the way." he summoned Ink's soul. He placed his hand around it. "Night night Ink." he said starting to crush the soul. He grinned bigger as the cracking of the soul got louder.

Immediately a blue light swung into Nightmare's tentacles.

Ink fell to the ground. Nightmare did too. I see a bright light from the other side. I then see a figure. "Dream!" I yell. The blue light turns like a boomerang. Dream catches the light. It was his staff. He didn't use his bow. He teleported next to Ink. He pulled the tentacles off Ink. He looked back at Nightmare he's still on the ground trying to get up. He looked up at me. I start hitting the bottom with my foot. "Dream! Help me!" I shout.

He helped Ink up. Ink stood there weak. Ink shook his head. "Ink get Y/N and take her home." he said gently. "Bluuuurg." Ink threwup black Ink. "Are you oka-" Ink instantly turned that black ink into black shards. They shot up heading straight for me. I go to the side hoping that it won't hit me. Lucky it didn't hit me. The shards cut clean the ball I was stuck in. I see Ink jump up to me and grabs my hand. "Let's go." he said pulling me as we fell.

He pushes us to the side. As we land we start running. As we stop I look back Nightmare is fully recovered he's rubbing his head. I look back at Ink he pulls his brush out. He slashes the black arena with pink paint. He hands me a small brush. "Here take this if you need me dip it in this." He said quickly handing me a small heart locket. "Use it when you need to." I look back behind Ink. Dream and Nightmare already fighting.

"What about you and Dream!" I shout. "Don't worry we'll be fine." He said quickly. "O-ok please be safe." I look at him. "Like I said we'll be fi-" He was cut off.

A tentacle burst through his chest. "Ink!" I shout. Ink ignored me and push into the paint that is now a portal. "Ink!" I yell once more. The tentacle tip parted into tiny hooks. They buried deep into Ink's chest. "Don't think I forgot about you, Inky." I look pass Ink. Nightmare had Dream wrapped tight. "No! Stop!" I yell. I hear Nightmare's menacing laugh. Ink looked at me moving his hand slowly. He smiled gently. "Hehe it's ok. Y-you don't need to watch." he said as his skull started to fade. He took a mini brush out. He started closing the portal. "No! Ink! Please!" I yell. "Aww was that to rough?"

I ignored the statement. I reach my hand trying to stop him but was to short to reach. The portal was about to close as I hear his voice echo. "I-I'm sorry Y/N."

I was upset making this chapter. All aboard the feels train. Sorry Ink. But don't worry he's not coming back.....maybe. I'm still working things out about the up coming chapters. Also sorry if it's short I just wanted to get to this point so the next one will be longer. So anyways I'm going to start the next chapter see y'all later byeeee.


Word count: 800

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