Chapter 26-Getting to Know a Kid

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"Tomorrow we'll continue where we left off." Said Sans in a calm voice. Me and Jason nodded as we got off our tails. They were in a spring shape. My tail pushed me off. I stood up and stretched.

"Y/N you learn really fast compared the Y/N here."

There's another me?! "The other me?" I said as calmly as i can. "Well there has to be another you right just like me, him, and Frisk." My mind exploded i didn't know that. "What's the other me like?" I asked. "Clumsy when it comes to learning, but she's like you but more badass." I pout. "No shit." I said. Jason let out a little laughter. I give him a death glare. "Well kidd-"

"Sans?" Yelled someone from the door. Sans perked up. That sounded like Frisk. "Hide!" He whispered. Me and Jason looked around frantically. Where?! Where?! Where?! "Up there!" Said Jason looking up. The ceiling was dark and there was space since it coned upwards. "Sans?" The voice was closer. I grabbed Jason's hand and jump. We landed in the corner standing on some wood. "Good call." He said as I let go of his hand. We both looked down. "Camouflage." said Collide appearing from Jason's locket. The locket bounced a bit and black clothing appeared on to Jason.

Collide gave me a cold stare.

" camouflage." My locket jingled and let out some visible F/C aura it swirled around me as black clothing as well appeared onto me. It was comfy. We close ourselves to the corner to hide. The door slides open. It was Frisk. "Sans? Do you have guest? I thought I heard voices?" said Frisk quietly. I look at Jason he had his head of heels for this girl. I let out a low mumble. He shook his head and gave me a nervous smile. "I wasn't doing anything."

"There isn't anyone in here kiddo." said Sans getting up and picking up his katana. Frisk let out a small smile. "Anyways what do you want dear buddy Frisk." said Sans walking slowly to her.

"I was wondering if I could go hangout with Y/N and Jason?" She said fidgeting with her fingers. "Hm I'm alright with it. But if someth-" "Nothings going to happen I promise. If anything does happen I'll come get you." Sans let out a sigh of relief. "Alright." Frisk smiled. "Thanks." She said walking off and closing the door. It was silent for a bit. "Coast clear." Said Sans.

We jumped down slowly.

Jason walks to the door and puts his ear on it. "Excuse me pretty boy, but she's taken!" I exclaimed. "W-what! No she isn't! I'm her boyfriend!"

"Frisk doesn't have a boyfriend." Said Sans slowly starting to take out his katana. "Then this version of me is a pussy he should've asked her out a while ago." He said crossing his arms and looking away. Sans lets go of his katana. "Hmph funny you say that, you're just insulting yourself."

Jason perked up. "What! No I'm not!" Me and Rose were laughing quietly. Collide was hovering next to Jason with a pissed off face. He was irritated.

"Alright time for you two to go." Said Sans grabbing a pitcher. He tilt it as a small drop of paint fell on the ground. It absorbed into the wood and like acid a portal opened. "That leads to the Doodlesphere." He said placing the pitcher to the ground. Rose without hesitating jumped in. Collide gently hovered down and Jason slipped in. I gave Sans a nod and jumped in the portal immediately closed. I landed nice and gently. "You two came early." I jumped. "Ink!" I yelled.

Ink let out a laugh of approval. "Yeah I know." He finished. "Ok ok for real now time to take you home."

~Le tem skip~

I groan. I needed sleep. That was about 4 hours holy crap, my mom was worried. She thought wrong.....and was yelling if i had protection. My god i love my mom. Eventually she stopped. I told her we went out as friends. She also told me someone came to see me. Axell.

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