Chapter 11- A child?

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I'm stuck in the corner of my room. Cross is looking for me. I'm in a really dark corner up in the ceiling. "Nightmare? Where are you? I need to speak with you!" He yelled. Cross looked around for me. Guess he ran out of ideas cause before you know it he walked out of the room and shutting the door behind him. *exhale* finally he's gone. I teleport away near my throne. Instantly I hear a noise. Up in the ceiling a portal was opening up.

"Hey Err-" I was cut off. "NNnIGghtTmMmarEe!" Error jumped out the portal. Error flew onto me. "Get off me!" I shout. Error teleports off me. I pick myself up with my tentacles. "What the hell was tha-" "NniGgGhtMmAAreE! Ii ddone someTHiinG BBbaDd."

I roll my eye. "Isn't everything you do bad?" He smiles nervously. "YyeaHh bbBuTt iI maDdeE sSomEeonE dDifFeRentT!" He said pointing up the portal still open. "Who?" I said. "I dDoonN't knOoW!" "Bring them down I want to take a look."

"BbuUtt-" I look at him and give him a cold stare. "FiNnE."Error says teleporting away. "CcoOmeE on Kkid gGet moVVinG!" I heard Error yell. "Let me go!" Said a childish voice. Error then appeared in front of me...with a child.

He wore a blue sweater with black ink like features on the bottom of it, a hot pink like shirt with a golden shape in the middle, a tan yellow scarf with the tip floating behind the scarf, yellow shorts, pink shoes, his body is black like gray color, his eye sockets are hot pink, the right color of his eye is yellow while the left had a golden star and a blue color eye in the middle.

I give a glance down to the child. I then kneel down. He looked at me terrified. I gave a small smile. "Are you scared?" His eyes widen. He shook his head. "Then if you're not scared then why are you a shaking?"

He shrugs shyly. I get up. "Error, leave." I say. Error rolls his eyes. He grabs the child's hand. "Leave them here."

"WwhHy?! Dd-" "I thought you didn't care about that,...." I glance down at the child. "Kid..." Error rolls his eyes. He snaps his finger and disappears. "Good now we can talk."

I teleport to my throne and sit. The kid still standing there. "Come here." I commanded. He looked at me frightened. "I won't hurt you....not yet that don't upset me, alright." I say sinisterly. He nods and walks to me, slowly. I roll my eye. "Hurry up." I say harshly. His eyes widen he started to walk faster.

He tripped.

I roll my eye once again. I sent a tentacle picking him up and sending him back to me. The tentacle send him right in front of my face. His eyes were getting teary. "Stop crying!" I yelled shaking him with my tentacle.

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