Chapter 9

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Melanie Reed:

Monday was really the longest day of my life. Too many things happened. I cried way too many times. And to make matters worse, I cried in front of someone, and not just anybody, Harry.

I was surprised at how different he was acting. I really didn’t think I would ever be able to stand him, or let alone be in a single room with him, but I was able to stand him.

It was now the end of the week, the day he supposedly has plans. I don’t really care if he does or not. Why should I care?

He and I are actually just friends. Well, I guess that’s what you could consider us. I mean really we just talk. I don’t think anything will ever come from this. He doesn’t date. And I’m fine with that.

Since Monday, I have talked to him at least once each day. Sometimes, I even had lunch with him. Just him. And it hasn’t been at all strange.

We mainly just talked about whatever came to mind. He is honestly so strange. I swear, sometimes, it’s like he switched bodies with a 60 year old man or Tarzan or something, I don’t know. But I kinda really like that he’s so random and strange. I mean sure, sometimes, I have no fucken idea what he’s going on about, but he mostly makes me laugh and smile at all his randomness, even when I have no clue what he’s talking about.

I’m not so sure about the date I agreed to go on anymore. He hasn’t mentioned it at all since Monday. And I really don’t want to bring it up and sound like some pathetic loser longing to go out. I’m definitely not. I don’t really care, but I think he might have, maybe, changed his mind. And honestly, I’m okay with it, if he did change his mind.

We also haven’t talked about dinner with my parents tomorrow since Monday.

We literally haven’t spoken one word of it. I tried to mention some details about it but he quickly changed the subjects or said he had somewhere to be so we just never got to it. He hadn’t asked about it, at all. He hasn’t even told me if he’s going to go in my car with me or just meet me at my house tomorrow. But I guess I should ask him.

The thing is that I don’t really want to bother him if he is busy. I really highly doubt that he is. But I would feel terrible if he isn’t lying and I interrupt him.

“Hey Melanie, I guess it’s just you and me tonight. Hunter’s busy or something, I don’t know. What do you want to do? I think we should go out. There’s a frat party tonight if you’re interested.” Lily said as she walked through the door.

“Well, I’m not sure going to a frat party is really something I would find of interest. If you want to go, I know the girls next door are going. You could probably go with them since you're friends with literally everyone at this school. Besides, I have got to prepare myself for tomorrow. I have no idea what I’m going to say to my parents about anything and I really need to think of something.” I said as she nodded.

I continued again before she had the chance to speak, “plus I kinda have to get my work schedule ready and have some assignments that need to be finished so I can’t go out. But do not let that stop you from going. Honestly, I’ll be fine.”

I gave her a small smile but she only just stared at me in disbelief. But why, what did I do?

“Melanie, you’re kidding right? How much work would you have after just one week? You’re an art major so the fact that your even saying you have assignments that need to be finished is ridiculous, honestly. I don’t even have much work that needs to be done and we both know that I will always be busier than you with work. And you honestly don’t need to fix your work schedule right now. Besides, going out may help you with coming up with an excuse to give your parents.”

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