Chapter 6

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Melanie Reed:

He reached up to wipe the tears off. I flinched slightly at his touch. I was unaware of what he was thinking about doing but I wanted him to stop. So got up and walked to the opposite side of the room, hoping that he would get that I didn’t want to be near him.

I would normally leave but I can’t open the door, the only option I have is to stay in here; and possibly lock myself in the restroom. That’s an idea I’ll keep in mind.

“Tell me what happened? Why did you react that way?”

“I- I can’t; I uh…”

Why does he care so much to find out? He doesn’t need to know my life. It’s not like he wants to be a part of it. I know he doesn’t.

“Melanie please; why don’t you just let me in? I’m not as terrible as you think I am.”

“I can’t Harry. I don’t think I can trust you.”

How does he not understand that I do not want to talk about this?

I began mutter to myself as quietly as possible. “I’m broken, do you hear me? I’m broken. I’m broken beyond repair; and there’s absolutely nothing anyone could do. I’m going to stay this way forever. I will forever be broken.” I thought I was quiet enough but I guess not.

“You can trust me. And if you’re broken, I’ll fix you.” He said as he got up from the bed.

Fuck. Do not come over here. Please don’t.

"But Harry, how do I know that I can trust you? How do I know that you aren’t just saying that I can but really I can’t?" I waited for a response but I didn’t get one as he began walking towards me. "Harry please, I need to know...”

He still didn’t respond. He just kept on walking quietly towards me. His silence was beginning to scare me. "Harry, I need to know that I can trust you, that I should trust you. I need reassurance that you won’t hurt me and that you’ll try your best to mend me rather than destroy me…"

He was standing right in front of me. I wanted to look up at him, but I couldn’t. He then tilted my head up and looked deep into my eyes, and said,

"I can’t promise you that I won’t destroy you. I can’t promise you that I won’t break you far more than you already are. I can’t promise you that I won’t hurt you. I can’t promise you anything," He slowly leaned in, resting his forehead onto mine without looking away. "But trust me when I say this, Melanie Reed, I want to try."

I don’t want to believe him because I know he can’t be serious. But the look in his eyes was saying otherwise. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen someone look so desperate before. I knew that he wasn’t just saying this to say it. I knew he really wanted to try. But why?

“I don’t understand,”

“What don’t you understand?”

“Why would you want to try? Why try to fix me when I can’t be fixed? It’s not possible Harry.”

“Nothing’s impossible Melanie. The word its self says, ‘I’m possible.’ So why do you think it isn’t possible to do?”

“Harry, I know it’s impossible. I know what I’m talking about. Many people have tried and nobody has ever been successful. And you aren’t going to be any different. I won’t be able to trust you. I wouldn’t be able to even if I tried.”

“Well maybe you could, if you just tried harder. What is it that you’re afraid of because I don’t see anything here that you should be scared of?”

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