Chapter 26

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Melanie Reed:


“You have a week off of work right?” Harry questioned as I was sitting in my dorm room packing up for break.

I hate that we have to move in and move out each semester. It’s really annoying. I would much rather prefer living somewhere where I wouldn’t have to move out each semester.  I should really look into moving into off campus housing.


“Oh umm yeah; sorry, I’m just thinking about how much I hate packing. I should have done this earlier in the week. We need to be out of the dorms by ten tonight. Did you forget?”

“Well you do, I got an extension since I have nowhere to stay. It’s only until tomorrow though, so I have to figure that out soon. So I have until tomorrow to worry about last minute packing.”

“You’re an idiot. But that’s fine, I don’t mind,” I laughed. “Well, thank you for helping me pack, even though you could very well be packing your own stuff now.”

“There would be no point in doing that now; I don’t have anywhere to go.”

“Well then, you could stay with me until you find somewhere else.”

“Alright; well, it’d only be for a couple of days anyway.”

A couple of days? We have two weeks off. I personally think we should get more time. I have no idea why they would only give us two weeks.

“What do you mean?” I questioned.

“I’m going to London on Tuesday; my friends called the other day and said I had to go back to take care of some business with my flat.”

“Oh,” I nodded unsure of what else to say.

He was leaving, and he hadn’t really told me. I wasn’t sure why he hadn’t done so, but I’m sure he had his reasons.

“I was going to tell you about it earlier, but we were both busy with finals, and we hardly spent time together. Not long enough for us to talk about it.”

“Umm, that's fine.” I lie.

I mean, I don’t want to make a big deal out of nothing. He has the right to go back to London whenever he wants, and he doesn’t have to say a thing. He could literally drop everything and cancel our plans and leave, and I wouldn’t want to make a big deal out of it.

I don’t want to be the kind of girlfriend that controls everything and has to know everything. I would like to know everything, but I won’t force anything out of him. I mean, Harry is usually honest about, well, everything. He even tells me things that I sometimes don’t want to hear.

“It’s not fine. I know you like to know about these things ahead of time. I know how organized you like to be and how you love to plan your trips and such things.”

Plan my trips? What the hell is he talking about? I do like to have any trip I make planned, so that I won’t have any surprises. I plan my main plan and a couple of backup plans, just in case, but that’s just because I’m a strange person who grew up having to plan the family trips. Everything had to be perfect then, and that’s why everything still has to be perfect now.  

But, regardless of the fact that I plan everything, I have no idea what he’s talking about. I hardly ever know what Harry is talking about. He is so random and is always changing the subject before we're done talking about the one we were on, and he’s always pointing out the strangest things or quoting random things. It’s weird. He’s weird.

“My what?” I finally question.

“Your trips, you like planning them out with, at least, a month to prepare and all, but a weekend will have to do.”

“A weekend will have to do for what? Do you want me to prepare your trip for you or?”

“No,” he shook his head as his smile grew wider. “I want you to plan our trip. You’re coming to London with me, and I don’t want to hear you complain or deny me.”

“You want me to go with you?”

“Of course I do. That is if you want to. Would you do me the honor of joining me?”

I jumped to my feet with excitement as I dropped the last of my painting utensils in the box before me. “Fuck yes,” I said against his lips.

Lily walked in to double check that she had everything, and I was reminded that I only had thirty minutes left to get the rest of my things and leave. Most of it was already in my car or in Harry’s. I only had a few more supplies to pack and I would be done.

** ** **

“You know I was thinking on the drive to your house that we should move in together.”

I left my car in my parents drive way. They had no idea I wasn’t going to stay, so hopefully they don’t go knocking at my door if they need me. I went in the house for a glass of water and some midnight snacks and left them a note on the counter.

Harry and I were heading back to his dorm. He had until two pm to pack up his things and go. From glancing at his dorm, you would think that he doesn’t have anything, but when it actually comes down to it he has a lot of things. Not to mention that there are also things that I’ve left there too throughout the course of the semester.

I was going to tell him that we basically already live together. I wanted to tell him that there were no co-ed dormitories at USC. I wanted to say anything, but all I could muster out was, “you and me?”

I don’t know why I couldn’t say anything. I obviously had the same thoughts myself. I mean, we’re always together anyway.

“Well yeah, we practically already live together. You’re always at my dorm, and you hardly ever use your own. You hate that dorm; you’ve always hated how small it was.”

I nodded before saying, “but the school doesn’t have any co-ed buildings.”

“Yeah, but there’s always other choices, like renting an apartment or renting a house, or even buying a house.”

“Right, of course.” I responded as Harry turned into the parking lot.

He parked in his normal spot before turning to me. “So, what do you say, will you move in with me?”

I didn’t even have to think it over before knowing that my answer would be yes. 

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