Chapter 24

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Melanie Reed:


Harry and I got to my house ten minutes ago. We noticed the supposed cousins were already here since there was an unknown car on the other side of the drive way.

I got down and went to grab a few things I was going to leave here. I, of course, bought things I would find necessary while working on all of my art. I wanted to leave everything here before going in, because I plan on leaving the second dinner is over. Not that I mean to be rude, I just don’t want to be here right now. There’s no point in being here; honestly, yesterday was the day we should have been having dinner together. Even so, I wouldn’t have wanted to stay past dinner.

Harry followed me into the back house. I knew he would, and I wouldn’t really want him standing out in front anyway. If my mother caught a glimpse of him through the window, she would be so mad. I know she’ll throw a fit in the kitchen when she makes me help her with the food. Dad told me to bring him along, so she can’t get mad at me for this.

I had moved all of my stuff from my bedroom in the house to my studio. Mainly because I didn’t want to run into my mom while she was upset about the whole major and minor thing, but really my mother was always mad about something. I honestly have no idea why I didn’t do it earlier, but whatever. I have yet to move my bed over, but it was fine since I didn’t really sleep here much, and since I had a comfy chaise chair that was big enough for me to sleep on, if I so desired. Plus, I’m sure I had an air mattress somewhere there as well.

Harry thought it would be a great idea to push me against a wall for a good five minutes; maybe it was ten who knows, and make out for a bit. I mean, I don’t mind it, but I know as much as he does that my mother doesn’t tolerate anyone being late for dinner. It was five minutes to seven, so we made our way to the front door.

I unlocked the door and walked in with Harry following closely behind. He closed the door as I made my way down the hallway trying to locate anybody. The first person I saw was Bethany coming down the stairs. She made her way over to both Harry and I and said her hellos. She mentioned that Abby had said the random visitors were strange. She was already down there having a chat with them while my parents prepared some things in the kitchen.

Apparently, their daughter was very pretty, and they were quite stunning as well. I didn’t understand why they felt the sudden need to come and visit. They hadn’t done so for the entirety of my life, and who knows how much longer passed that, it had been. Bethany says that they are, at least, ten years older than my dad. It’s weird to think about, Beth and Abby were the only cousins I’ve ever known about having; these people are like strangers to me, so I wouldn’t even consider them cousins at all.

I walked over to the kitchen with Harry trailing behind. I know he wasn’t too fond of going in there because my mother was there, but that was just something he had to deal with now. I mean, he knows how to stand his own ground; he’d just rather not do it in front of my mom. He says that although she doesn’t like him, he’s going to give her the respect his girlfriends’ mother deserves. I always laugh at that, because in my mind she doesn’t deserve much, but I’m glad he’s trying to get along with her. Unlike my mom, my dad has been trying to get to know Harry better. He’s been trying to get her to see that Harry isn’t all that bad. It’s just really hard to convince that women otherwise.

“Dad?” I questioned a bit startled to see him walking out of the kitchen with a new bottle of wine.

“Oh good, you’re here. Hello Harry, how are you?”

“Great sir, how are you?”

“I’ve told you time and time again to call me Mason,” he said to Harry and then turned to me. “Listen your mom needs some help with things in there, I let her know you were both coming. She’s in a bit of a mood right now, but that’s not important now. She needs all the help she can get, so I’m going to get Abby and Beth; and I’ll be in the dining room if you need me.”

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