Chapter 2

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Melanie Reed:

My parents left like 45 minutes ago. I was so lucky they left before Hunter came in. I'm pretty sure they would have gone haywire at the fact that he just walked in without knocking already having a copy of our key. I would have freaked out too if I hadn't already known them. This is pretty normal behavior for them actually; they've been dating for a little over five years now, and honestly he did the same exact thing at orientation. How ironic is it that I would end up dorming with the same person I did at orientation?

Dean left about 5 minutes ago, give or take a few minutes. Lily and Hunter went down to their cars for the rest of Lily's things literally right after Dean left. So I was left alone. But I was fine, I had really come a long way since the year before, I swear last year I would have jumped at the opportunity to take my life right now especially after having a 30 minute long talk about Brooke and Aaron. But I took this time to begin organizing my stuff now that I had no distractions.

I was pulled out of my thoughts and actions by a knock on the door. Hmm maybe Dean forgot something. The idiot probably left his keys here. I opened the door without looking up because I was honestly expecting to see Dean.

"You fucking idiot; did you forget your keys or something... Oh, umm sorry. Eh, you must be Harry, right?"

He didn't speak he just nodded.

"Sorry about that I thought you were someone else. Umm, Hunter went down to get Lily's stuff, I'm sure they'll be back in a minute or two. Uh, you could come in if you want so that you," He walked in without saying a word which surprised me. "won't be standing outside looking like a creeper," I continued to say.

As I closed the door, I wondered why he wasn't speaking. I also tried to figure out why this felt so familiar. This interaction. It feels almost as if it's happened before. Eh, I'm just going to brush it off; it's probably nothing.

"You know Harry its very rude not to answer when someone is speaking to you. Anyway, my names."

I was immediately interrupted by his lips pressed against mine as he forcefully pushed me against the door. I'm kinda shocked. So shocked my brain hasn't begun to process what is going on but for some reason I seemed to want more. Without thinking, I kissed him back. I honestly don't know what I'm doing, I shouldn't be kissing him. I don't even know him. Oh gosh, what am I doing? As soon as my mind finally processed what was happening, I pushed him away. I didn't want to be anywhere near him. What the fuck just happened?

He looked straight into my eyes with his perfect green eyes, he was smiling at first. And I can't help to think that I've seen his smile before, but I'm sure that's a coincidence since I've never seen him before in my life. His smile quickly faded as his eyes kept looking into my eyes.

"Your name's Melanie reed, I know."

Umm what? How does he know my name; I've never seen him before in my life. I guess he saw the discomfort in my eyes immediately speaking again.

"Don't freak out. I'm not stalking you or anything like that, Hunter told me your name before I came up. But you really shouldn't be telling me anything about being rude. Because what you just did was very rude indeed and it is very unacceptable behavior. You don't just push someone away when they are kissing you."

"You have got to be fucking kidding me. Who the fuck do you think you are? Would you leave?"


"Leave now!"


"Fine then, I'll leave. I expect this to be the last time I see you. So good bye Harry."

He looked almost amused and slightly surprised. He just laughed. As I walked out of my dorm, I heard him say, "You'll be back. This is your dorm after all; and don't you worry sweetheart, you'll be seeing lots of me."

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