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Melanie Reed:

Laying here with Harry is nice. I'm happy here. The happiest I've ever been. It's been a year, almost to the day, since I've met him and I must say it's been interesting, for lack of a better word.

We've definitely had our ups and our downs, but somehow things always find a way to fix themselves. Harry and I aren't anywhere near to being a perfect couple, or being in a perfect relationship, but we’re happy. And really, that's all that matters.

If we’re going to talk about trust, you should know that I had, and honesty still have the biggest trust issues around. That statement was the biggest understatement of the year. Yet, here I am, trying to understand it, to understand trust; but in this past year, and well in the past 20 years of my life, I found out that you could only truly trust yourself, but just about everyone knows that. The one thing I learned over this part year, however, may not make any sense at all.

I found out that the only way you could truly trust someone, other than yourself, is by trusting them. I know it sounds stupid and makes no sense, but you really have to think about it. You have to be able to trust someone in order to put all your trust into them; if you're over thinking your trust in someone then do you really trust them? The answer is no. It’s not until you are able to say that you trust someone with no hesitation, no self doubt, and no second thoughts, that you truly trust someone else.

Lying right here right now, if anyone were to ask me if I trust Harry, I would say yes with no hesitation.

I, Melanie Reed, have found the strength to love again. I found it in me to truly trust someone again. I mean, I meet people and automatically give them my trust. That is the stupidest thing I could possibly do, but I can’t stop myself from doing so. I found that I only truly trust one other person in my life.

I, Melanie Jane Reed, trust Harry Edward Styles. I truly do trust him. I trust him with my life. I trust him with every single ounce in my body. I trust him with every fiber in my being, and that's a lot more than I can say about anyone else walking the face of this earth.

Harry Styles is truly the best thing that's ever happened to me.

I feel like I just said the word truly like a thousand times.

"Melanie? Babe?"

The sound of Harry's voice broke me out of my thoughts.

I couldn't really find any words right now, so I just mumbled, "yeah?"

The worried expression on his flawless face made me wonder how long I had been lying still, lost in my own thoughts.

"Baby, what's wrong? Is everything okay? Did I say something wrong? Do you need something? What is it? I’ll go get it for you right n-"

I swear he would have just kept going on and on if I hadn't cut him off. That’s just the way Harry is when he thinks there’s something wrong with me, and I love that he is. I love that he goes out of his way to make everything okay. I definitely caught him off guard when I forcefully pressed my lips against his, earning a growing smirk from him as we shared our short but passionate kiss here on the beach shore.

"There’s absolutely nothing wrong Harry; I was just thinking."

"Thinking about what? You were awfully quiet for a good 10 minutes," he commented.


"Me? You were thinking about me for ten minutes while I was literally hovering over you by only merely an inch and a half? Why would you ever do that?"

"That’s what I was thinking about, this moment. This life we now share. How happy you make me. You, in general. I'm not going to lie, I always do that. And I was thinking about how much I love and trust you. I literally love you so much, I would do anything for you, and I trust you so much that I would choose you over anything or anyone else if my life depended on it; and yeah, that's pretty much what happened in my head in those 10 minutes."

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