Chapter 29

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Melanie Reed:


“What are you even doing?” I asked as I walked into the living room and saw Harry sitting in the corner staring straight ahead. After not getting a response, I walked over to him, closing and locking the front door behind me first.

“Harry,” I said lightly as I sat beside him and leaned my head on his shoulder. He smiled slightly and immediately snaked his arm around my waist and pulled me closer into him.

“What’s wrong?” I questioned.

He shook his head, “there’s nothing wrong.”

“I don’t believe you. If there was nothing wrong, you wouldn’t be sitting here staring at the wall. So tell me, what is wrong, and I will fix it,” I said lifting my head up and looking up at him.

“Melanie, there is literally nothing wrong.”

“Don’t start with me, Har-” I began to say, but was immediately cut off by Harry’s lips pressing against mine. It took me a while to react, because I honestly wasn’t expecting that, but when I finally did react, he pulled me onto his lap and deepened the kiss.

After a few minutes, I pulled away and looked at him. He smiled at me, dimples and all, and I knew nothing was wrong with him. Still, I asked to be sure.

“So, you’re sure there’s nothing wrong?”

“Positive. I was actually just sitting here cause I was tired, and then I zoned out and started thinking about you and me living here together, and it all just made sense. I hadn’t even noticed you had walked in until your head landed on my shoulder.”

“Okay, well, come on,” I said as I tried getting up. “We need to unpack.”

“No, not yet,” he responded before pulling me back down and putting his lips to mine again. Not that I was complaining about that.

** ** **

After a few hours of debating, and “breaking in” the house, we began to unpack.

Harry insisted that we just sit in each room for a while before beginning to unpack and prepare it. And by sitting in each room, I mean, sitting on him while not wearing anything at all, which was pretty interesting if you catch my drift.

It took me a while to convince him that we had had enough sex for a few hours. But as always he says, you can never have enough sex. Not that I’m complaining.

I just really wanted to unpack, because knowing my parents, they will be here within a few hours to inspect the place and see if it’s up to par. Not that it matters much if they approve or not.

I began fixing up my art room with a big smile on my face. I cannot believe that this is actually happening. Like honestly, if you were to tell me a year ago that I would be living in a house with my boyfriend by the second semester of college then I probably wouldn’t believe it. I would think that it was all some kind of sick joke, and it would just upset me.

But being here now, I don’t think I want to hear anything else. I love Harry, I do. And being able to live with him is a big deal for me. That fact alone makes me extremely happy.

It’s really strange how fast our relationship has moved. Most couples spend months on end, sometimes even years, with their partner before they decide to move in together, let alone buy a house together. I fucking own a house, and I’m not even twenty one yet. How many twenty year olds have the privilege to say that? Not many, I bet.

I pulled out the last of my painting supplies and put them where I wanted them to go. And this is it, we have officially unpacked everything. I thought it would take a lot longer than just three hours, but I guess we had to work fast before anyone showed up at our door.

Lily and Hunter were coming over later to check the house out and start bringing some of their belongings over. They said they would officially move-in in like two or three days, which means that Harry and I would have the house to ourselves for some time.

“We are officially moved in,” I exclaimed as I walked out the door into the hallway. Harry was downstairs watching some Criminal Minds on Netflix since our cable hasn’t been connected yet.

“Really, you’re done, already?” he asked as he turned to face me.

“Yep,” I said popping the p.

“Well, you would have been done sooner if you had let me help you,” he pointed out.

“No, Harry. I would probably still be in there not even half way done if you had helped.”

“What do you mean,” he feigned innocent.

“You know what I mean,” I smiled up at him from where I sat down on the couch next to him. “You would have just been a distraction, and you know it.”

He nodded with a sly smirk plastered on his face, “I probably would have; you just can’t seem to keep your hands off of me.”

I laughed, “More like you can’t keep your hands to yourself, Styles.”

** ** **


Author’s Note: guys, it’s been ages. I started writing this a while ago, then I forgot about it and I saw it there today and well, I decided to work on it. I’m sorry for the long wait, I just couldn’t figure out what to do with this story anymore, and also I just had so much school work to do that I couldn’t find the time to write anymore. I’m almost out so I should have a bit more time, but maybe not so much. Anyway, vote if you liked it I guess and yeah, I’m probably going to write just a few more chapters before ending this cause I just don’t know what to do with it anymore. And I honestly don’t even feel like writing it anymore, so yeah. 

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