Chapter 20

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Melanie Reed:

There was shock, mixed with confusion, clearly displayed in his eyes. He opened his mouth to speak multiple times, but he never actually said a thing. I could tell he was trying to find something to say.

"Well? Who the fuck is Rose? And why does she want you to meet her in five minutes?"

"What did she tell you?" he asked completely avoiding my questions.

"Well she said that although you told her not to call her, she misses you and really needs to see you. She says she wants you and that you know exactly where she is, so be there in five minutes." I said with a cold tone. "So, who is she? Do you go see her on the side?"

"What? No! Melanie, I do not. I would never do that to you, you know that."

"Yeah, I'm not so sure anymore."

"You should be sure of it. I would never and will never do that to you."

"Right, so who is she? You haven't been able to answer me that." I said with a blank face.

"She's nobody."

"That's obviously a lie." I don't know what to believe. Honestly, I want to believe him. I want to believe that she's no one important and that she isn't a problem. I want to believe that she didn't call him every other day and that he didn't go meet her each and every time she requested it. I wanted to believe in him, but for some reason, I couldn't find it in myself to do it this time.

I think that reason might have been because of the constant reminder of Aaron's words playing in my head. I didn't want it to happen again; and I may or may not be overreacting right now, but you can't blame me for being so paranoid.

"It is not a lie!" He yelled a bit too loudly causing me to flinch slightly.

"Harry, I feel like this happens far too often. We are constantly having the same fight. At the beginning, it was about both of us. You didn't like it when guys were constantly trying to talk to me, and my being oblivious to their attempts at getting further than just friends only added fuel to the fire, but since then, I've tried to keep my contact with guys to a minimum all together. I have to admit it's kind of a weird feeling to have to constantly avoid half of the people that try talking to me, but I do it for you. You, on the other hand, can't seem to stay away from other girls. Somehow, you still have them calling you. I see you ignoring calls sometimes saying you'll call them back later because they aren't important. I bet you anything its one of those girls. I don't even know what to do sometimes. Is it too much to ask for you to stay away from them like I do for you?"

"You know I can't do that," he responded sheepishly. At that point, I didn't know what to do. I felt the sudden need to leave. I didn't want to be around him anymore. And honestly, at the moment, I couldn't be.

"But why can't you? Harry, you need to think about others as well. I really need you to understand that in relationships, you can't just think of yourself. Relationships consist of two people, not just one, and if you can't think of the other person then it really consists of just one and it's like the other one doesn't exist... It's like the relationship doesn't exist; and honestly when you do this and say you can't, it makes me feel like I don't exist to you. It's like I'm not important to you, at least not like you are to me. I do so much for you. I fucking let you in when I never let anyone else in... And whether or not you deserve it, I gave you all of my trust. And I don't know why I would ever do that, because what does that leave me with? This, a broken relationship that is never going to work. So, at least, answer me this. Why? Why are you doing this? Why are you in this relationship if you don't care? As much as you try and convince me that you do care, you doing this makes me think otherwise. Why are you here if I'm not important? You confuse me so much and I'm tired of it. If you were to leave, I would be going crazy... I don't think I could function without you, not anymore at least, but if I leave, I feel like you just wouldn't care. I feel like you wouldn't do anything to stop me... You would just let me go, even after you finish telling me that you can't let me go, that I can't leave, that I can't be with anyone else but you, you would still let me go without a fight. I just don't understand why you keep playing with my feelings when it sometimes seems like you don't even care. Why? I really don't understand, but I'll make this easy for you, since you cannot do this for me, I'll just leave..."

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