Chapter 27

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Melanie Reed:

“So, what do you think about renting this whole house?”

“The whole house? Why would we need to rent this entire house? And, what’s with the website? This looks kind of like a weird website. Is it a trustworthy website?”

“Yeah, I got the link from the school website; and well, it’s meant for off campus housing, but if you like it, we can keep it. I’ll buy it off of the housing company.”

“Harry, why would you buy the house?”

“For us silly. Look, I have nowhere to go anyway. While on break, I can’t really stay in the dorms. I don’t want to have to stay here every time we are off of school for break. Don’t get me wrong, I like it here, but I don’t really like staying here. We have to move out our stuff each semester and I don’t feel like traveling all the way back to London unless you’re coming with me. So, I would want the off campus housing because you have to sign leases for a whole year. They can’t kick us out until the year is out, but if I offer to buy the place before the year is up, then maybe they’ll consider selling it.”

“But they just built it, why would they sell you a new housing structure?”

“Why wouldn’t they?”

“I don’t know. It’s just a little weird. I don’t know if I want to live here after we graduate or during breaks. It’s a nice housing structure; don’t get me wrong, but this, I feel like living here would be a little weird. I mean, I wouldn’t mind living here while we're students, but beyond that, it'd be weird for me,” I rambled on.

Okay, so maybe I’m just being a little paranoid. I’ve lived in a gated community in Brentwood my entire life, and this is Downtown Los Angeles. Sometimes, it gets a little crazy around here. I wouldn’t want to be walking around, or even driving around at night in this area; where as in Brentwood, I would take walks at two in the morning when I couldn’t sleep or when I needed to clear my head.

I don’t even like walking on the sidewalk by myself after eight here. Not anymore at least. I realized that if I could be taken off of the street by someone I know, I could also be taken by some complete stranger and I’d rather not have that happen.

I usually stick around Harry whenever I’m walking around here. I hardly ever leave his dorm anyway.

He laughed as he switched tabs, “Well then, what about this one? We’d have to drive a bit, and maybe sit through traffic at times, but we could live here.”

I held my hand to my mouth as I looked at his screen, “what? Is this the house that’s down the hill from my parents’ gated community?”

“Yes; don’t think I haven’t noticed how you look at the house when we take the long way back to campus and drive passed it. I mean, it’s not as nice as your parents’ house, or as big, but its g-”

“It’s perfect!” I exlaimed with a huge smile as I turn to hug the man behind me.

“It’s got three bedrooms, so I was thinking that we share one room. I’ll leave you the entire upstairs which has another bedroom as your studio. And as for the third bedroom, I was thinking about asking Hunter and Lily if they want to move in with us. It’ll be weird not having them around since we basically do everything with them. They’re doing their internships over here anyway.”

“That’s right, and we could car pool to school; and I'd be closer to work. This is great. This is so exciting.”

“I know; anyway, have you packed?”

“Packed? Harry, we aren’t moving in this second, are we?”

“No, we would move in the first week of January, but I meant have you packed for London. We leave tomorrow.”

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