9# A brothers true love <3

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"Please Read the A/N at the end !! It's really important fot the updates !!!!"

Chapter 9:


I walked to the front door, and before I could slip the key in the hole, it flew open. Delilah was standing before me with anger clearly shown on her face.

"Come in" she said through her teeth. I got in without a word. She was already mad and her eyes were red along with her nose.

I sat in the living room and she came after me and sat on the chair across.

"I am listening for you." She informed crossing her arms.

"Don't you think you're over reacting ?!" I asked calmly shaking my head.

"Over reacting because I was worried at you ?! You're mad because I am taking care of you ?!" She raised her voice

"I am old enough to take care of my self!! I am not even a teenager!! People in my age are married and have children. Aren't these your words?!" I yelled standing up. She always push this subject over and over and its always getting on my nerves. Now, I am a kid, but other than that, I am the 'man of the house' and 'reponsible'. WOW !!

"Don't you dare yell at my face that way !!I am titled as your 'older' sister, so Watch your language and tone !!" She yelled back standing up as well, but this time I stayed silent.

"Where were you?!" She repeated

"Why do you care, Delilah ?!" I rolled my eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes and answer me!!" She said through her teeth

"You want to know where I was?! Fine , I will tell you. I was on my first date with a girl ,that's when Alan called to tell me that you didn't go with him!! And the date was ruined. Why ?! Because I was so worried to sit with her and my mind was here!! Again why ?! Because you're stubborn and selfish!!" I spat harshly, and she flinched blinking back tears.

"You think you're old enough to take care of yourself. I thought that as well, but after your immature actions, I will treat you as a kid!! I may be younger than you, but I am a man, Delilah. Your man now since David passed away. At least, I stood for myself and didn't give up my life in front of the first problem !!" I reprimanded and tears fell freely from her eyes when she heard his name. She looked at the ground in shame still crying. I sighed and pulled her to stand closed to me .

"Look at me" I whispered, but she didn't move

"Delilah " I sighed and made her look at me by placing my thumb under her chin.

"I didn't mean to open your scars again, I am sorry. I want you to be strong " I said and she burst out in tears. I took her in my arms and hugged her tightly.

"I missed him so much, it hurts " she cried and I rubbed circles on her back .

"I know .. but he is in a better place now. You promised to be strong, yeah sissy ?!"I smiled faintly at her. She liked when I call her 'sister' not 'Delilah' because 'Delilah' makes her feel as a 'stanger'.

"Its very difficult " she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "When you love someone so much and suddenly he leaves you ... It broke me " she was still crying. I pulled away and pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"You should be happy for him. He is in a place so much better than here. When you cry, he is tortured. You should be strong as you promised me. I am sorry if I wasn't there for you. Did you take your medication?" I asked and she nodded her head.

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