24# His little girl :)

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A/N) I am really sorry for the late update. Tell me what do you think of it, and please be patient because my exams are starting and i'm in a really shitty mood. Don't forget to vote, and give me your sweet comments.

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Chapter 24


Next to you -Chris Brown ft. Justin Bieber

Wanted -Hunter Hayes

Marry me -Jason Derulo


I gasped for air as I jolted awake. It's just a dream, a horrible nightmare of these dark days of my haunted childhood. My cheeks were wet with tears, and my gown ws drenched in my own sweat. This can't be happening again. When I found Daniel, all those horrible dreams stopped, and I also stopped going to physiartist, but now... What happened? I don't want to be that girl again. The fragile girl, that cannot protect her beloved ones.

I flipped my head to the side to find a note on the dresser.

Goodmorning babe, I had some things to do. Get ready because there is a surprise for my beautiful dancer. Love you xxx

This note made me smile. Daniel really lightens up my world. He's too good to be true.

I let out a sigh, and strided to the bathroom to fix my look. I don't want my look to be suspicious because then he'll keep asking me what happened, and I don't want to remember it. Even though I told him that I was okay with it, I was really relieved when he told me that it doesn't matter. He spent all the night telling me how good of a dancer am I, and that I am his girl, and that he'll never let me go.

Even though he always says that to me, I really needed to hear it. I wanted to feel loved....

I stood in front of the mirror wishing to never take this step. I looked horrible; messy hair, puffy eyes and tear-stained cheeks. I sighed splashing water at my face.

After taking my shower, I picked my baby-blue skinny jeans, and dark blue sweatshirt.

"Boo" Daniel hugged me from behind making me scream. He burst out laughing at my reaction, and I couldn't help but join him.

"Where were you sneaky boy?" I pecked his cheek playfully, and he chuckled kissing the top of my head.

"I had work to do. Now, are you ready?" He asked

"Just let me do my hair, and I'll be ready" I said walking towards the dresser.

"Will my lady let me style her hair?" He asked with a strange accent making me burst out laughing.

"You wanna style my hair?" I asked, and he nodded with a small smile.

"Umm.. okay, but if you messed it up, I'll kill you. I just combed it" I warned playfully, and he nodded as a master trying to plaster a serious face, but failing. He got out the hair brush, and walked me to the edge of the bed.

He started playing with my hair while I was in another world thinking how much I will look horrible.

"Tadaa!! Turn to me" He said and I did slowly.

"You look beautiful, as always. Love you" He whispered.

"Let me see?" I whispered trying to hide my blush. He nodded slightly letting me stand up.

I walked over to the mirror admiring his work.

"Oh Daniel. It's really nice" He braided my hair, but not the normal way. It's just... Amazing.

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