29# He's The Liar!!

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Chapter 29:


"What are you saying?" I whispered.

"He kept drinking as a fool till he fainted and we can't wake him up." Paul clarified and I could hear the sirens in the background.

"I'll be over in a second." I whispered as tears streams down my face.

"Daniel... they are taking Daniel to the hospital. I should go." I said in a rush.

"What? Okay wait.. I' m coming with you." Leo said as we ran to the car.

"Quickly Leo." I cried. Why are the streets so crowded?

"What did he tell you?" He asked.

"He fainted, and he's not waking up." I burst into tears.

"Okay, calm down. We're almost there " he said taking a sharp turn.

Once the car stopped, I ran to the building with Leo following.

"Daniel... Daniel Hemmings. Where could I find him?" I asked the nurse sitting in the reception with unsteady breath.

"Room 76 on the second floor." The nurse told me politely.

I quickly ran up the stairs not waiting for the lift, and finally I spotted them. Leo was by my side by now.

"Paul." I called making him turn to look at me as he was talking to Alan.

"What the hell are you doing here? Aren't you ashamed of yourself? He's here because of you." Delilah screamed at me as tears streamed down her face.

"Delilah!!" Paul warned her.

"Am I wrong? Why did he drink that much? Why did he stand in the balcony when it was freezing cold crying as a child? Isn't it because of her?" She argued making Leo clear his throat.

"Sorry ma'am, but I think it's not the time for throwing the blames on each other. We should pray for Daniel instead." Leo interfered calmly making her rub her temples.

"Oh God! Please.. he's everthing I have.: She whispered collapsing on her chair crying in her hands. Alan sat beside her to comfort her as Paul turned to look at me.

"I am really sorry, Amber. You know how Delilah is always defensive-"

"I understand. Do you know anything about his state?" I asked

"No, they are not telling us anything." He sighed as the doctor stormed out of the room.

"Doctor, how is he now?" Delilah asked as we all crowded around him.

"I won't lie to you. His state is unstable and I already warned you from this. Daniel's history with alcohol is not helping. The liquor had already played its role when he came here and that clarifies why did he black out in the first place."

"Okay doctor, but what would happen next?" Alan asked.

"I am sorry to say that the overdose caused a coma, and I can't say exactly when will he wake up. I promise that I'll do my best, and don't stop praying for him. He needs your prayers..." He said walking away.

"Wait doctor." I called making him turn back around. "Can we talk. Alone?" I looked at him with full hope.

"Sure ma'am. From here." He said walking towards his office with me following.

"Sit down." He motioned for a chair across from his desk, and I quickly sat down. "How may I help you?" He asked giving me his full attention.

"I want to know everything about Daniel's health, and his history with alcohol."

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