30# I Need You

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Chapter 30

"The dizziness faded?" The doctor asked. Paul was on the other end of the room looking really concerned.

"Yeah, I am feeling better." I rubbed my forehead.

"Very good. If you're ready, I want to ask you several questions."

"I am." I nodded giving Paul a small smile.

"Did you faint like that before?"

"Yeah, about 2 times-"

"When was the last time you got your period?"

"I'll wait outside." Paul excused himself when he sensed that I was not comfortable with him in he room.

"About 4-5 weeks, but it's normal for me."

"Okay, did you feel any other strange thing? Nausea or morning sickness or-"

"Just nausea, but I think it's from the stress. That usually happen to me." I said quickly.

"It may be as you're saying. We'll make blood analysis and see. Don't worry, it's fine." She smiled.

"I'll send the nurse to take a sample. After that, you're free to leave." She smiled warmly and I returned it.


"I swear I am good." I said again as the nurse started to prepare the needle to take a sample of my blood to 'analyze it'. "We'll finish quickly." The nurse smiled inserting the pointed needle under my skin. I closed my eyes waiting for her to finish.

"We're finished." She said with a light laugh at my look.

"Oh thank God. When will I get the results?"

"From 3 to 5 hours. Tomorrow morning for the maximum" She replied and I stood up unfolding the sleeves of my shirt.

"Okay, thank you." I smiled walking back to the intensive care where Daniel is staying.


"Amber, you have to go back home." Paul spoke up.

"No Paul. I have to stay here at least till he wakes up." I groaned.

"Alan, go home and drop the girls on your way." Paul ordered as if I were not saying a single shit!

"I said no." I protested.

"Amber, he won't wake up, now. The doctor said that to us. You won't do anything by sitting here plus you're sick. It's 2 in the morning already!!" Alan persuaded.

"At least wait till I get my results back." I insisted.

"Let's check where are they downstairs." He said and I rolled my eyes getting up.

"Delilah, wait here with Paul. We will check and come back." Delilah just nodded. She wasn't really vocal the whole time.

"What's going on with Delilah?" I asked him with a raised brow as we walked side by side.

"What do you mean.. uh- I can't understand-"

"Yeah sure you can't, but I am not stupid." I shrugged.

"What do you mean?"

"No no, I don't mean anything, but I gunna tell you Alan. Take care of Delilah because if something happened to her.. Daniel will kill you with cold blood. I'm sure that you understand what I mean, now. I won't tell him anything, though because it's none of my business." I said in a low voice just to make sure that no one can hear us.

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