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The rain trickled, misting my face as I walked. I lifted my head, allowing it to kiss my face lightly. It was one of those days. I had gotten in a small fight with my mother and it really set me off. I said some things I shouldn't have, and I left when she begged me not to. But I guess that's just the type of person I am. I let people down, I leave.

As I approached my destination, I let out a sigh of relief. I needed this, I needed it badly. Forget the drugs and the alcohol, forget everything else in this shitty world, the only thing I needed was right before my eyes. I didn't need love or support, I just needed to kick the shit out of something. Unified Fight gave me that. I had been letting out steam here for as long as I remember.

I pulled on the front doors, but they were locked. I pulled out my spare key and unlocked the door, walking in and locking it behind me.

"We're closed you know," Devin hollered at me.

"Hasn't stopped me before," I replied.

He looked at me with sympathetic eyes. "What's happened now?"

"The usual. I'm a bitch and I apparently take out my anger on others," I said shrugging as I wrapped my hands.

"If I'm being honest Kenz, we both know it's true."

"I know," I said nodding.

"Do me a favor?" he asked.

I nodded allowing him to proceed.

"Take it easy today. Don't over work yourself."

I let out a chuckle. "We both know there's no such thing when it comes to me Dev," I said shaking my head.

I spent hours in the ring, releasing my anger out on a poor punching bag, but it wasn't enough. I needed blood, I needed to really beat the shit out of someone. It was late and I wasn't in the right state of mind, but that didn't stop me from getting dressed and going to the bar.

For the first time in ages, fighting didn't release all my anger, it just frustrated me further. There were few times when this happened, my solution for it was never the best, but it wasn't going to stop me.

I walked into the packed bar after flashing my fake ID at the door, not to mention showing a little extra cleavage than normal. I walked straight to the bar, ordering a beer. I wasn't feeling like getting trashed, just a nice buzz.

"Can I buy you a drink?" a voice said from behind me.

"No thanks," I replied uninterested.

"Are you sure about that?" he said in my ear.

"Pretty damn sure," I said pushing him away.

"Come on, let's have some fun," he said clinging on to me.

"I said no asshole, let me go," I complained.

"Don't be like that babe," he said, pressing his lips against my neck.

That set me off. I slapped him, hard.

"You bitch," he said, swinging at me. In any other circumstance I would've blocked it, but there was alcohol coursing through my veins and if I did, I wouldn't have a reason to fight back. At least if I killed him it would be self defense. Besides, I was used to it anyway.

His fist collided with my cheek, causing me to fall back a bit. That was it, I was off at him in seconds. It was now my fists that were punching his face endlessly. Before I knew it, all I saw was blood, unsure of whether it was mine or his.

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