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"Have any of you heard from Mak?" I asked.

Chris, Olivia and Sophie all stared back at me and shook their heads.

"I haven't talked to her since Monday," Olivia said.

"Me too," Sophie joined.

"I don't talk to her," Chris said shrugging.

"I haven't heard from her at all since Monday either. Soph, she's in one of your classes right?" I asked.

"Yeah, Pre-Calc, why?" she asked,

"Can you tell me if she's there?"

"Will do. Talk to you guys later," she said as she walked away.

Olivia walked with her as Chris joined me on our way to Government.

"You think she's mad at you?" he asked.

"I don't know why she would be, but she is kinda unpredictable so," I said shrugging.

"I'm sure you'll figure it out soon," he said chuckling.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"Nothing, it's just weird to see you like this. I didn't realize how serious the two of you were. You're whipped," he said.

"I can't even put up an argument, it's completely true. When you find a girl like her, you just gotta keep her. Trust me, you'll understand," I said.

He shakes his head laughing and we continue to walk to class.


She wasn't in class today. I don't even think she was here yesterday. Sophie texted.

Okay thanks for letting me know. I replied.

I opened my texts to Mak, my old ones still unreturned.

Where are you?

Are you okay?

Call me.

I felt like I was being a bit overbearing, but she hadn't responded to my texts since Monday and even then, they were short. If I made her mad, she probably just needs time. If she's not mad, then I have no idea what to do.

We all gathered by my locker between passing periods, before going into our classes.

"Still no luck?" Olivia asks.

"Nope," I replied.

"I think she's been out most of the week," Sophie said.

"Wait, what's the date today?" I asked.

"It's the eleventh," Chris said.

May 11th? Shit, that meant May 12th is tomorrow.

"Shit, I gotta go," I said, rushing away.

"Text me," Chris hollered from behind.

I ran out from the hallway and straight to my car. I ignored the look the campus supervisor was giving me and got in my car before she could protest why I was leaving.

I quickly drove to her house and parked. I ran to her balcony and climbed up, then attempted to open her door. Of course it would be locked today.

"Mak, open up," I yelled through the door.

Silence. She didn't reply, she didn't even acknowledge my presence.

"Mak please," I pleaded.

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