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"You're looking good," I said, as I watched him spar with one of the guys.

"He's good Kenz, didn't know that you were such a good teacher. Just like your old man," Dev said from beside me.

"I just taught him what to do, the rest is all him. He's strong and because football season is over, he's been doing a lot of weight training."

"I think it's more than that. He cares about you Kenz. He wants to please you," he said.

"Maybe so," I said nodding.

None of them knew, not even Danny. I know they wouldn't be able to look at me the same if they knew the truth. That it was all one plan to get what I wanted. Something I'm not even sure I wanted anymore.

"What's on your mind Kenz?" Devin asked.

"I'm a bitch and I really don't deserve him," I said.

"If he makes you happy, and you make him happy, then who's to say you don't deserve him?" he asked.

"I've messed up," I said.

"Your dad would like him," he said.

"You think so?" I asked.

"I know he would. You can tell how much he cares about you Kenz, that's all your dad wanted," he said.

"Thanks Dev," I said.

"Anytime, you know you're like a daughter to me," he said smiling. "And it has been amazing watching you grow."

I smiled at him, trying to keep it together. He knew how much it meant to me to hear him say that.

"Mak," he said from the ring. "You okay?"

"I'm great," I said, flashing him a small smile.


"Alright, listen everyone. This is the first fight of many in this lovely association and I'd like to start it out well. Bidding starts at five hundred, choose carefully and remember, there is no changing sides once the fight has begun," Ray spoke into the microphone.

The crowd cheered uncontrollably. It was this type of energy I used to live for. I took it all in, enjoying the familiar feeling it brought me. It was a nostalgic feeling, bringing back everything from my past, the only difference is I seemed to enjoy it less now.

"Now, I'd like to welcome to the ring, Robert 'Bobby' Paines," Ray shouted.

What the hell name was Bobby Paines? The crowd cheered for him. He was obviously well known. He walked into the ring and waved to the crowd. He was short and stumpy, clearly strong, but no match for Kaden.

"And now his opponent, Kaden 'The Golden Boy' Walsh," he yelled.

I cheered for him. It was all so surreal, like time wasn't really passing. He looked at me nervously and I gave him a nod. He had this.

Soon enough, they were both squaring up for each other. If I taught Kaden anything, it would be that he had to wait for this guy to make the first move. The smaller the opponent, the faster they are.

He did exactly that, waiting for Bobby to swing first. When he did, Kade blocked it with ease. The fight was off. Kaden was in full fighting mode. He didn't remove his eyes from his opponent once.

After one hit, Bobby was down. Kaden got on top of him and began hitting him repeatedly. It was all much quicker than I expected, but none the less a good fight.

The bell went off, signaling the end of the fight. Kade backed off, standing tall. He looked around until he spotted me, sending me a smile.

"And the winner is, Kaden 'The Golden Boy' Walsh," Ray yelled.

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