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Another week had passed since Kaden and I made up. We had been hanging out regularly after school almost everyday. I'm not gonna lie, I enjoyed his company. He was dorky and fun. Today had been the first day that I wasn't spending with him.

So I was wondering if we could go out tonight? A text from Kaden read.

Sure, where to? I asked.

It's a surprise. Pick you up at 5. He texted back.

I glanced at the clock, seeing that it was almost four-thirty. I got up and began getting ready. I curled my hair into lose beach curls and then retouched up my makeup by adding mascara and powder. I grabbed a burgundy bralette that stopped at the bottom of my ribcage and and a black halter top, along with a pair of highwaisted jeans. I threw on a pair of converse and grabbed a red flannel to wrap around my waist.

Before I realized, it was already five o'clock. I'm just lucky it doesn't take me forever to get ready or else I wouldn't make it out of the house until much later.

The doorbell rang and I jumped up, opening the door quickly. "You could have just texted me," I said.

"I know, but I wanted to come and get you," he replied smiling. "By the way, you look amazing."

"Thanks," I said smiling. We walked to his car together, both getting in.

He stared at me a bit longer, his eyes lingering uncontrolled.

"Fuck you're hot," he said smiling and shaking his head.

"So, where are we going?" I asked.

"I told you, it's a surprise," he replied.

"But why? I don't like surprises," I complained.

"You might like this one," he smirked.

"What makes you say that?" I asked hoping for a hint.

"You'll have to wait and see."

I noticed that we were going out of town and my curiosity grew.

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna take you into the woods and kill you," he said.

"Like you could take me," I said laughing.

"I could too," he argued.

"Do you know how many times I've beaten Max in a fight? Five. After the condition he left you in, you'd think he would have won one," I said laughing.

"You really are different from the rest," he said to himself.

"Damn straight. Unlike them, I'm a badass."

"That's debatable considering I've never actually seen you fight," he chuckled.

"You're just jealous because I'm a badass and you're not."

"Don't get so cocky."

"I'm not cocky, just honest. I'm way more of a badass than you are, that's for sure," I challenged.

"No you're not," he scoffed.

"Hell yeah I am. How many times have you been high? Drunk? Have you ever even had a hangover?"

"No, but I don't choose to do that," he said laughing.

"You see! Live a little. I bet you're a Momma's boy too. Just admit it, I'm more of a badass," I taunted.

"Okay fine, but why waste your life doing stuff that's just gonna hurt you in the future?" he said.

His words hit me hard. He was only talking about drugs and alcohol, but to me it was so much more. "Because I don't know any other way."

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