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I sprung up from my hiding spot, making a run for it. The point of the game was to capture the other team's flag, without being hit on the chest.

I ran as fast as I could toward their base. They tried shooting at me, but missed every time. I knew I was close, I could no longer hear Sophie's screaming, which was a good sign.

I shot at who looked liked Chris, hitting him right in the middle of his chest.

"Fuck," he yelled, backing off.

I flipped him off, then continued running.

"Makenna," Olivia's voice said from behind me.

I glance back, seeing she was close behind. She could actually keep up, surprising.

"You go right, I'll go left," I said, moving away.

I ran quickly, I was almost at the flag, that is until a pair of arms grabbed me and pulled me away.

"Look what I got," Kade said.

I pulled away, trying to make a run for, but fell in the process.

"Fuck," I said, holding my ankle.

Did I roll my ankle? Yes. Did it actually hurt? No, but Kade didn't need to know that. He slowly approached me, bending down.

"Are you okay?" he asked, removing his mask.

I nodded, trying to make it convincing. I then grabbed my gun and pointed it at his chest.

"Sucker," I said, shooting him directly in the chest.

"I cannot believe you just did that. I feel played," he said, holding his chest.

He then continued and made a huge dramatic death scene for himself.

"My true love, shooting me in cold blood. Tricking me with her pain," he said, holding his chest again. "I am dying, but I still love her. I hope she remembers that when they bury me. Even with her killing me," he said. He then dramatically fell to the floor.

"Such a dork," I said, shaking my head.

I ran towards the flag, grabbing it quickly and sprinting back to our side. Sophie screamed in excitement when she saw me and came running towards me.

"We won!" she shouted. "You're a badass!" she screamed again.

"Don't say that to her, it'll go right to her head," Kade said from behind me.

I turned and walked toward him, jumping into his arms.

"That was evil," he said with a smirk.

"Yeah, but admit it, you liked seeing me with a gun," I said.

"Maybe a little. It was definitely sexy," he said.

I kissed him roughly, showing him just how sexy I could be.

"Let's keep that kinda stuff for the bedroom," Cameron said.

I pulled away, laughing at Kade's dazed state. I grabbed his arm and pulled him along to follow the others.

We all decided that it would be fun to go out tonight, although Cam insisted that there would be no underage drinking, we all knew he was just joking. The girls and I were back at my house, getting ready.

"So Makenna, what do you do for fun?" Olivia asked.

"I'm a kick boxer," I said, adding the finishing touches to my makeup.

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