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I watched as she jumped into his arms. He seemed relieved she was there. Maybe I reminded her of something, or maybe I did say something. I thought things were going great. I guess like she said, I thought wrong.

I sped away, angry. She was the first girl in a while that I was actually interested in. I called Chris through the bluetooth of my car.

"Sup man? How'd the night go?" he asked.

"Well, I thought it was going great until she freaked out and told me to take her home, then changed her mind and had me drop her off at some guy's house," I said.

"Well shit, what a bitch," he said.

"Don't say that about her," I defended.

"Sorry I thought you called to talk shit," he said.

"I like her man. She's cool and down to Earth and she doesn't care that I'm secretly a giant dork, she just laughs."

"You've been on one date with her, you need to chill," he said.

"I don't want to. I gotta go. I'll text you later," I said.

"Don't do anything stupid," he said quickly before I hung up.

I parked my car in our drive way and stormed into the house. What I saw just made me angrier. There was some asshole, groping my sister on our living room couch.

Quickly, I pulled him off her. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?"

"Relax man, we're just having some fun," he said laughing.

Who did this fucker think he was? "Fun? You were basically dry humping her."

"Chill out Kaden," Claire said.

"Stay out of this Claire, we both know all you are to him is a good fuck," I spat.

"Woah, not cool dude," the guy said.

"You wanna know what's not cool? The fact that you're still in my fucking house," I yelled.

"What are you gonna do about it?" he said laughing again.

I was over it. I was already angry and this fucker is only making it worse. I probably shouldn't have, but I punched the fucker, hard.

He spat blood from his mouth then laughed. "You really shouldn't have done that.

He stalked towards me, anger clear on his face. I really didn't care, I knew it would feel so good to kick the shit out of him. I swung at him, ready to get this over with, but he blocked it hitting me back with a punch just as hard. He got in a few more good hits before, I could get another one in.

He was good at this. I tried to get as many hits as possible, but he blocked most of them. Once he got me on the ground, the punches were endless one after another. Blood was running down my face and I laughed. He got up after landing one last hard one.

"That's all you got?" I yelled.

"No, but I really don't want to go to jail for man slaughter."

"Pussy," I said laughing.

"Kaden shut up," Claire screamed.

The kid came back over to me, punching me one after another once more. My eye lids were getting heavy as I felt the darkness seeping in.

"Max stop, you're gonna kill him," Claire screamed.

Finally the blows stopped and my eyes fell closed. I let the sleep take over, finally at peace, no longer angry.

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