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Waking up with her in my arms was the best feeling ever. I had craved for so long, just to hold her, kiss her senselessly and make love to her. Everything about her was amazing. Her smirk when she knew she was doing something right, her kisses, everything. She was perfect to me, I loved her for it.

I kissed her cheek lightly, watching her as she slept. The stress that seemed to burden her face sometimes was gone, her face completely relaxed. I ran my thumb up and down her cheek, caressing it. Sometimes I wonder if she's even real, or that maybe this is all just a dream.

She began to stir awake, her eyebrows pulling together.

"Good morning," I whispered.

"Morning," she said lightly, a faint smile on her face.

"Last night was," I said, unable to come up with words to explain.

"I know," she said, pressing her lips on mine.

I pulled away, moving my lips to her neck, where I had already left a hickey. It was her sweet spot, what could I say?

"I need to take a shower," she said pulling away.

"But I don't want you to," I said pouting.

She ran her hands through my hair, kissing me lightly, before getting out of bed. She walked away, completely naked into the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

I yawned, stretching out my muscles. I got out of bed and began gathering my clothes. We had been a little rushed to actually set our clothes down, instead they were scattered around her room. I had found and put on all of my clothes but my shirt. I looked around her room, finding it on her desk.

As I pulled my shirt, a book fell off the desk, opening. I closed it, then curiosity got the best of me. I opened the notebook and flipped through the pages. Most of them were empty, until I stumbled on to one page.

We had sex today. Or I should say, he had sex. I didn't want to, but he forced me. I tried to push him off, but he held me down. He took me even though I had begged him not to. He took my virginity and my sanity.

"What the hell are you doing?" her voice rang out.

"What the hell is this?" I asked holding it out.

"Who said you could read that?" she said, tearing it out of my hands, her own trembling.

"Mak, what the fuck was that?" I asked harshly.

She flinched at my words, but didn't answer.

"Did that fucker rape you?" I asked furiously.

She refused to look at me. Her body was slumped in a defeated position and her eyes were trained on the floor.

"Makenna, did he rape you?" I asked again.

She looked up with so much sadness in her eyes. "It was only twice," she said quietly. "The first time wasn't as bad as the second."

That's when it all came together. The nightmares. The pace we went at. Fuck, even her comments about PTSD. Even her saying that she wouldn't want her father watching over her. It was all because of that. My heart broke for her. The girl, who I love, had gone through so much pain in her life.

"Fuck, how could I not have noticed? The nightmares were about him, weren't they?" I asked.

She nodded in reply.

"I swear to fucking God Mak, if I don't get that story for another time right now, I will go out and I will kill him," I said.

"I thought I loved him, I really did. But he hit me, a lot. I would always play it over as a kick boxing injury, that's what he would tell me to do after he apologized. He beat me so badly that day, I could hardly walk or move. I locked myself in the spare bedroom to his apartment. He came to say he was sorry, but he was completely drunk out of his mind. I tried to fight him, I tried so hard, but I couldn't," she said quietly.

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