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I still remember that haunting day as if it were yesterday. I could still feel his hands roam my body, uninvited, every time I thought of it.

There was a knock at my door. I got up and walked over as well as I could, with the condition he left me in, it wasn't easy to walk. I opened the door, looking at Derek's face, his eyes red.

"Makenna, I'm sorry," he said slurring his words. He was drunk again, this happened every time he laid a hand on me. He'd drink and drink, then would come find me and apologize.

"You're drunk again," I said, refusing to look at him.

"I said I was sorry, you know that I just get angry sometimes. I just love you so much baby," he said coming closer to me.

"Please, don't get any closer, I just need some time," I said, walking over to the bed.

"Don't be like that, please baby. I just want what's best for you, for us," he said, grabbing my arm.

"Maybe I should go," I said pulling my arm away.

"No baby, please stay," he said, pulling me back onto the bed.

"Derek, I just really wanna go home," I replied.

"No, you have to stay," he said pulling me onto his lap.

I could feel that he was somewhat excited, my eyes going wide. I tried to move away, but he just held onto me tighter, grinding himself on me.

"Derek, stop," I said, trying to get out of his grasp.

"But you feel so good baby," he whispered in my ear.

"I don't wanna do this," I said, trying even harder to get away.

"Don't you love me? Why won't you do this for me baby?"

"Of course I love you, but I'm not ready, I don't want to."

"Makenna, baby, just lay down, I promise it'll be fun," he said turning us over so his body laid on top of mine.

"Derek stop, get off of me," I said.

He didn't listen, he attached his lips to my neck, kissing his way further and further down. I squirmed under his touch, not feeling anything but the need to get away. He ripped open my shirt, exposing my chest to him.

"No bra?" he said smirking.

"Please Derek, stop," I said.

"Don't you love me baby?" he asked.

"I love you so much, please," I begged.

"Show me you love me baby," he said.

"Please," I said.

He kissed my breasts with hunger, latching his lips on like a leech. I tried to move my arms, but he had them held tightly above my head with one hand. With his other hand, he trailed to my shorts bottoms, untying them.

"Stop please," I screamed.

"Why baby, we're having fun aren't we?" he asked, continuing.

He removed my shorts and underwear, pushing them down. He was quick to get his clothes off, before I knew it, he was going to do what I had been begging him not to.

"Derek please, I'm begging you," I said tears streaming down my face.

He didn't even blink and eye before doing it. He was on his own accord, not taking what I wanted into consideration. I cried and cried for him to stop, but he didn't until after he was done, leaving me weeping. He rolled over, passing out next to me.

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