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I swung at him, but he blocked it. I swung again, but no luck. Just as I was about to attack again, he got me, good and hard in the stomach, causing me to lose my balance. I stumbled back and fell on my butt.

"Shit Mak, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to. You know I'd never intentionally hit you," he said, crouching by my said.

"I'm fine. It's nothing that I haven't felt before. I'm glad you finally stopped holding back. Maybe we can finally get some more progress down," I said, standing up slowly.

"What do you mean it's nothing you haven't felt before?" he asked.

"Kade, I've fought guys before. Hell, my ex was stronger than you and I fought him," I said before realizing my mistake.

"Did he ever hit you Mak?" he asked instantly.

"I mean, yeah. He was a kick boxer too," I said nervously.

"Makenna, that's not what I mean," he said harshly. Makenna, he only said that when he was serious or angry.

"Maybe a few times," I said quietly.

"What was that? I couldn't hear you," he said. His voice was deathly, one that I didn't want to mess with.

"Yes okay, yes. Happy now?" I yelled.

"No Makenna, I'm not happy. What the fuck? That fucker hit you?" he said.

"Derek had a lot of issues. It was only a few times," I said.

"Don't say that fucker's name. I can't believe you would stay with him after that," he said disgusted.

"Kade stop, don't make me one of those girls. I am not weak, I thought loved him," I said.

"Don't fucking say that Mak, he clearly didn't deserve your love," he yelled.

"I know! Fuck, he didn't deserve it, but I was too dumb to see that okay? He supported me when no one else did, so I thought it was okay if he threw a punch every now and then. Hell I thought I deserved it for the longest time," I yelled.

"Why would you think that?" he asked softly.

"Because I'm a fuck up Kade, we know this already. It's who I am," I said.

"Your break up, did he beat on you? Is that what made you realize? Did he hurt you that badly?" he asked.

I didn't reply. I couldn't look at him. I knew that he had the same disapproving look in his eyes as the rest of them did.

"I'm gonna shower and change. Meet me at my car when you've done the same," he said.

I walked into the women's locker room and began my shower. I took my time, not wanting the lecture that I knew I was going to get from Kade. When I finally finished, I dressed in a large sweater and leggings.

Kade was already in his car by the time I got there. I opened the door and sat, waiting for him to go off on me, but he didn't. He silently drove us until he reached my house. We sat there in silence, neither of us moved.

"Kade," I said, trying to get him to talk to me. "Please Kaden, look I'm sorry okay? What else do you want me to say?" I continued.

He still refused to answer me, which only made me more angry. I looked out of his car window, trying to calm myself down. It didn't work too well.

"Dammit Kade, I'm tired of this shit. You're like a child, if you don't get your way, no one wins," I yelled.

I looked at his hands to see they were gripping the steering wheel so hard they were white. He was angry.

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