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"I really shouldn't have missed so much school this semester," I said, trying to cram in as much information into my brain before my Pre-Calc final.

"How you managed to have an A is beyond me," Sophie said rolling her eyes. "I have perfect attendance and I have a C minus."

"I'm good at math," I said shrugging.

"You're annoyingly good at math," she replied.

I shrugged a reply. She was right, I was annoyingly good at math. I hardly needed to go to class, I was so good at it.

"So where have you and Kaden been?" she asked.

"You know, here, there," I said vaguely.

"Olivia told me that Chris told her, your mom was out of town," she said smirking.

"Your point being?" I said, raising an eyebrow.

"My point is that we've only seen you guys at school. Also, it seems like you guys rush home so quickly, you can't stand to keep your hands off each other for another second."

"Okay, so we may have been having a lot of sex lately, but it's only because my mom is out of town," I said.

"I knew it!" she squealed. "Olivia thought you guys were doing some weird shit, but I knew you just couldn't keep your hands off each other."

"It was amazing while it lasted, but my mom is coming home tomorrow," I said frowning.

"Ugh, I want a boyfriend now," she said.

"Why don't you date Chris? You guys have known each other for years, right?"

"Ew, Chris is like my brother," she said, shaking her head.

"Well, you don't dance with your brother the way you were dancing with him a few weeks ago," I replied.

"It was a moment of weakness," she defended.

"Just admit you like him," I said.

"I will not," she said, turning her head away.

I was going to reply to her, but the teacher walked in and began talking about the test. I looked towards Sophie to see she was frowning.

"Good luck," I said quietly.

"You too," she replied with a smile.


"I so failed that," Sophie said.

"I think I did good," I replied.

"Of course you did, you're a math genius," she replied rolling her eyes.

"Let's go find the guys," I said, disregarding her statement.

We walked through the halls until we arrived at Kade's locker. Olivia and Kade already standing there. I walked to Kade, kissing his cheek lightly.

"We have an hour break before our next final," he whispered in my ear.

"Sounds tempting, but I think our friends are catching on," I replied, glancing at Sophie.

"Just go, you guys clearly can't go a day without having sex," Olivia said rolling her eyes.

"I could, it's Kade who can't," I replied laughing.

"I'm not even gonna argue with that," he replied.

"Oh my God, just go, be back ten minutes before, you guys will be fine," Sophie said.

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